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Extruder jamming and not letting filament unload  

New Member
Extruder jamming and not letting filament unload

Every time I load a filament into my printer it cant unload without me physically pulling it out, I've yet to actually get the MMU2s to work for an entire print. every time I fix one problem another happens, first the sensors were too sensitive then it made me cut it with every change even though the stringing wasn't bad now this as well as the blade breaking out of its casing so now I need to print a new one, I'd really just love it if someone could help me and finally get a print out of this thing.

Posted : 30/11/2019 5:26 am
Estimable Member
RE: Extruder jamming and not letting filament unload

Ok, I presume you are printing PLA, right? I can walk you through the steps needed to make it work. You could start with reading. A start can be found here:

Unloading issues, if not caused by friction (and hardly possible if you check the force of the gears) are solely caused by heat creep. An active cooler would sort this one out. See my post. If any questions arise, ask me.

Posted : 03/12/2019 9:28 pm