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Constant MMU load fail - Microswiss Heatbreak anyone?  

Estimable Member
Constant MMU load fail - Microswiss Heatbreak anyone?

Hi all,

this is the first time I tried a MMU2S print with 55 tool changes and promptly I got tons of failures (and eventually aborted).

I was getting lots of "MMU load fail", where the filament was loaded, filament sensor in extruder triggered but then (sometimes with crashing noise) apparently blocking. When I cut the tip manually, loading works. I found that when trying to pull out the filament out after a MMU load failure, the tip is rather thick and hardly passses the tubes. 

Now I was wondering: A long time ago I purchased a non stick coated heat break from Microswiss which worked great so far for single color mode - almost no more jams. But the description says "Stepped inside bore to improve PLA printing." and sure enough, if you look at the drawing, the bore gets larger towards the nozzle. I imagine this might give problems as it might result in a larger tip. On the other hand, this is in the heated zone and there should be no solid filament anyway.

So before I swap out the heatbreak - has anyone tried this? Is heatbreak inside surface critical? Now that I have the original one out, I could easily polish it with some (maybe 5 micron) diamond paste on a toothpick. 

Or is this totally irrelevant?

- Martin

Napsal : 24/11/2019 5:27 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Constant MMU load fail - Microswiss Heatbreak anyone?

Yes, I tried it. No game, I could never get good enough tips for the MMU. It starts just fine, but clogs after 10-20 filament changes. Shame, the microswiss parts are great otherwise. Still using their nozzles with my printer, those do work with the MMU. 

Napsal : 07/12/2019 8:18 pm
New Member
RE: Constant MMU load fail - Microswiss Heatbreak anyone?

Same problem. I can't finish a print due the clogging after 10-20 filament changes. Is there a chance to fix it?

Napsal : 18/12/2019 4:12 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Constant MMU load fail - Microswiss Heatbreak anyone?

No I think not. If you look at the drawings of the Prusa variant E3D heatbreak, you can see it has a slightly different internal geometry to form better tips. The microswiss looks identical to E3D standard. 
My MMU runs rock-solid using the Prusa heatbreak, I also tried a standard E3D for fun (won‘t work either). 

Napsal : 18/12/2019 5:30 pm
New Member
Constant MMU load fail - Microswiss Heatbreak anyone?

Hey. I flashed newer versions of this zero beast and whatever I do I can't load filament 5? 14 is fine but 5 only goes to extruder and fails due to load failure and will flash constantly. If I press the right button, the filament runs out. Flashing green light, then I press the middle button and it charges, but again it passes the infrared sensor but does not charge. he fails before he has a chance. it only happens on filament 5. Fortnite Gaming Geeks

Napsal : 01/11/2021 11:55 am