Cannot print single filament - Always "loads" filament 1 (even when told to use different slot) then never extrudes.
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Cannot print single filament - Always "loads" filament 1 (even when told to use different slot) then never extrudes.  

Active Member
Cannot print single filament - Always "loads" filament 1 (even when told to use different slot) then never extrudes.

I just finished setting up my MMU2s on my i3 MK3S (remote controlled with an octopi, everything running the most recent versions), I had a semi-successful print of of a clown fish (FINDA sensor was having issues with one filament, so I cancelled the job and got it adjusted and it seems fine now)

But as I'm trying to print some parts for the buffer and input, specifically these: 


I cannot get it to print in single color mode. I have tried both the standard i3 MK3S and the MMU2S single profiles here: (only difference between base and -octopi is the octoprint settings)


In the case of the MMU2S Single it asked me which filament to use when I started (as expected) I selected slot 2 since it was the color I wanted and the following sequence of events occurred:

  1. Bed and Hot-end heated to temp
  2. homing and mesh bed levelling
  3. MMU2S moved to select slot 2
  4. Loaded slot 2 down to hot end
  5. Printed the purge/pressure line outside the normal print area (as usual)
  6. moved to start point of print
  7. Retracted filament from hot end and into buffer
  8. moved to slot 1
  9. loaded slot 1 down into hotend
  10. proceeded to follow the path of the GCode without actually extruding anything. (watched for several minutes)


Using the standard i3 MK3S the only difference is that I told the printer to "Load to hot-end" slot 2, it did the normal thing of purging and asking if the color was ok. I sent the print from Octopi and the sequence of events from point 5 above, in this case I double checked the extruder motor, and it was stationary, so not even attempting to load filament to the extruder. 



Napsal : 27/05/2019 9:17 pm
New Member
RE: Cannot print single filament - Always "loads" filament 1 (even when told to use different slot) then never extrudes.

I am having the same issue when using PrusaSlicer 2.0.   With prior versions of Slic3r PE I did not have this issue.  It may be related to this PrusaSlicer 2.0 github issue


Napsal : 30/05/2019 11:00 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Cannot print single filament - Always "loads" filament 1 (even when told to use different slot) then never extrudes.
Posted by: preston.h3

I am having the same issue when using PrusaSlicer 2.0.   With prior versions of Slic3r PE I did not have this issue.  It may be related to this PrusaSlicer 2.0 github issue


Interesting. I actually managed to get mine to work last night. With a couple caveats:


  1. I had let the printer sit turned off for a couple days
  2. I rebooted the octopi that was running the printer (unknown if any updates were installed in the process)
  3. I told the printer that all 5 filaments were loaded (despite only 3 actually being loaded, I popped the PTFE tube and fed a waste filament backwards to trip the FINDA)
  4. I was printing at the .07mm ultrafine preset on the Octopi - Prusa MMU2S single printer preset. 


I'm thinking just rebooting everything and telling the printer that there were 5 filaments loaded is what did the trick. 

Napsal : 03/06/2019 7:23 pm