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Blinking Red lights after initial setup  

New Member
Blinking Red lights after initial setup

Finally I managed to do the last steps in the setup of my MMU2. I enjoyed the gummies, flashed the firmware and wanted in preflight to load filament. I also get a prominising green light on the MMU2 units - huzza!. When wanting to move the selector with the left/right button, i get five flashing lights. Well, this is what troubleshooting guides are there for. Although I had not loaded filament, I checked that the idler can turn free. It cannot turn round and round but otherwise freely. I believe this is by design. I checked the tightening of the screws, but there was no change.

Since the selector thingie (the one with the tube going down to the extruder had never moved by itself during reset/bootup or whatever, I though I check if I plugged it into the proper place on the board, but I believe I have done so.

I made some pictures of the setup and the board plus some videos of the idler turning and the lights flashing. Your support and time is appreciated:!AtQZdMupMiLmqMhqJPuKj2Agx0O86g

Napsal : 26/01/2019 12:17 pm
Peter L
Honorable Member
Re: Blinking Red lights after initial setup

I made some pictures of the setup and the board plus some videos of the idler turning and the lights flashing. Your support and time is appreciated:!AtQZdMupMiLmqMhqJPuKj2Agx0O86g

The sad trumpet sounds when the MMU didn't initialize were a nice touch.

First thing to check is the proper placement and connection of the FINDA probe. If it registers filament when there's none present on startup, it can create an error condition (the exact behavior depends on the version of the firmware you have installed).

Napsal : 28/01/2019 10:30 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Blinking Red lights after initial setup

Thank you. That was the solution - something so small. Now to the calibration and then first print.


Napsal : 29/01/2019 5:59 pm