Z Axis moves up and the printer detects this point as the new Zero
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Z Axis moves up and the printer detects this point as the new Zero  

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Z Axis moves up and the printer detects this point as the new Zero


I'm a newpie to 3D printing and got my new MK3 kit.
I assembled it and was able to print the prusa tag, Benchy and the Dragon without problems.

Since then when i try to change from PLA to PTEG, i do "Unload Filement" then "load Filement" the extruder rizes, and when i try to print it detects this new position as the new zero for Z Axis. And if i run Calibration for Z it goes up hits the top and trys to keep going and then get a message saying there is a problem in the axis.

And the only way to bypass the issue is running the full Wizard again (and wait for the extruder and bed to cool down)
This is extremely annoying, unless i want to calibrate the first layer using my own print.

What can be the problem?
This happened sometimes when i canceled a print too.

Opublikowany : 11/11/2018 9:21 pm