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Where to put my Pi with a new Lack enclosure?  

Active Member
Where to put my Pi with a new Lack enclosure?

I just set up a USB-connected Rasp Pi 3B+ and I'm now building a Lack enclosure v2 for my MK3S w/ MMU2S. I'm debating between a few different options for where to place the Pi.

  • I can put the Pi below the enclosure and try to feed the USB cable through the tube where power feeds up to Einsy. I then also have to figure out how to route the webcam ribbon cable through to the Pi
  • I can mount the Pi directly below Einsy on the frame. However most of the people doing that seem to do so because they're using the GPIO connection to Einsy instead of USB. I need to add a small hole to route the Pi power connector up through to the Pi

I'm also surprised that Prusa doesn't recommend moving the Einsy to outside of the enclosure. I know you'd have to route a bunch of extra wiring but it would seem Einsy would be happier at ~22C than at ~40C in the enclosure.

And finally, I find that the MMU fails much more often than the MK3S. Not sure if the enclosure is going to make that worse, and if people have suggestions about ways to try to improve that reliability by moving the MMU. My guess is you create more problems than you'd solve.

I'd like any suggestions / words of wisdom from those who've built a similar setup.


Postato : 28/02/2020 8:53 pm
Noble Member
RE: Where to put my Pi with a new Lack enclosure?

My Pi 3 with buck converter is in a case made for it, mounted to the frame directly above the Einsy.

Check Thingiverse. They have the same case for both the Pi 3 and Pi 4. Holds a fan also.

This is all in the Lack enclosure I printed.

Postato : 28/02/2020 9:04 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Where to put my Pi with a new Lack enclosure?
Posted by: @neek

I just set up a USB-connected Rasp Pi 3B+ and I'm now building a Lack enclosure v2 for my MK3S w/ MMU2S. I'm debating between a few different options for where to place the Pi.

  • I can put the Pi below the enclosure and try to feed the USB cable through the tube where power feeds up to Einsy. I then also have to figure out how to route the webcam ribbon cable through to the Pi
  • I can mount the Pi directly below Einsy on the frame. However most of the people doing that seem to do so because they're using the GPIO connection to Einsy instead of USB. I need to add a small hole to route the Pi power connector up through to the Pi

I'm also surprised that Prusa doesn't recommend moving the Einsy to outside of the enclosure. I know you'd have to route a bunch of extra wiring but it would seem Einsy would be happier at ~22C than at ~40C in the enclosure.

And finally, I find that the MMU fails much more often than the MK3S. Not sure if the enclosure is going to make that worse, and if people have suggestions about ways to try to improve that reliability by moving the MMU. My guess is you create more problems than you'd solve.

I'd like any suggestions / words of wisdom from those who've built a similar setup.


Maybe this is a possible solution for you? Pi and PSU outside the enclosure.


Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Postato : 28/02/2020 9:23 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Where to put my Pi with a new Lack enclosure?


Wow that thing is awesome! I'm looking to leverage my partially-built Lack enclosure, at least for now, but that definitely looks like a great upgrade. I do think it's perhaps strange to keep the filament spools hanging inside the enclosure, though, as they would seem to benefit from having better temperature and humidity control.

Postato : 28/02/2020 11:43 pm