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The Red Bearon  

Reputable Member
The Red Bearon

This is not a new printer; this is the Prusa that I bought last year which I have used to print all the parts for my other bear, and my Voron along with a bunch of other stuff:

When I cut the extrusions for my first bear last year, I did an extra set while I still had the mill set up for it.  Those have been sitting on a shelf until I decided to do something with them, and I combined doing some preventive maintenance with a frame transplant.  I also did the BearExxa extruder and X-axis upgrade, and added a Revo 6 while I was in there, since I am really loving the Revo Micro in my Voron.  Ditched the Noctua hot end fan in favor of a Sunon, and installed an LDO part cooling fan; this is the same setup on my other Bear and it is louder but cools better.  Fan shroud is the Delta-P.

The Pi and camera setup are the same as it had on the original frame, with a few new printed parts.  I decided to let the whole Mk4 thing pass me by...  I'm happy with the print quality, and since I am probably going to switch both bears over to Klipper eventually anyway, I can still have input shaping if I want.  Currently running the standard Bear firmware on it which is a couple major revisions behind Prusa's Mk3S+ firmware.

The parts are mostly printed out of Overture PETG, with a handful of Polymaker ABS parts here and there, printed on the Voron 2.4.
Opublikowany : 31/05/2023 9:18 pm
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