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Super Volcano and the MK2.5 - MK3S  

Martin Wolfe
Reputable Member
Super Volcano and the MK2.5 - MK3S

Hello all,

I was recently asked if my Full Print Volume Volcano Modification could take a Super Volcano. Here is my reply on that subject.

This the mod can not work as is with the E3D Super Volcano. It would need reworking to lower the part fan and nozzle. Even then you would have to modify your firmware as the Z axis distance would be reduced. To get fill volume with the Super Volcano the Z-Axis tops would also need replacing. Unfortunately the Z-Motors can not be raised any further than I have done in this mod due to clearance issues with the PINDA probe. By observation it may be possible to gain an extra 5mm on the Z-Axis.

I have checked the drawings for the Super Volcano against the Volcano. The height of the Super Volcano is 50mm against 20mm for the Volcano. That is a height difference of 30mm.

To get the full extra height required a full redesign of the mod would be needed to lower the cable bundle, raise the Z-Motors, lower the part fan and nozzle and a redesigned PINDA mount (to lower the PINDA, deal with the extra heat radiating from the heater block and prevent the probe from crashing into the right hand Z-Motor). Rigidity would also be a problem with the modified Z-Tops required.

In conclusion if you wish to fit a Super Volcano to a MK2.5, MK2.5S, MK3 or MK3S you are better of basing the conversion on the Bear modification.

So in general I advise against fitting a Super Volcano to a M2.5 - MK3s and if you really wish to do so look at the Bear mod as a starting point and even than the print fan and nozzle will need lowering my 30mm.


Martin Wolfe

Napsal : 20/02/2020 6:45 pm