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Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!  

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Josef Průša
Member Admin
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

Check out new FW it should be miles better. If you are adventurous we also prepared preconfigured image for RpiZW Use Etcher and configure wifi as in the first post.

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Posted : 30/12/2017 2:36 am
Eminent Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

I'm glade you guys decided to provide an octopi custom image. Going to give a try now. Thanks some quick feed back. Its stuck on connecting

Changing monitoring state from 'Offline' to 'Opening serial port'Connected to: Serial<id=0xac21c630, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyAMA0', baudrate=115200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=10.0, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False), starting monitorStarting baud rate detectionChanging monitoring state from 'Opening serial port' to 'Detecting baudrate'Trying baudrate: 115200Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 4Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 3Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 2Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 1Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 0Send: N0 M110 N0*125Trying baudrate: 115200Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 4Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 3Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 2Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 1Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 0Send: N0 M110 N0*125Trying baudrate: 250000Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 4Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 3Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 2Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 1Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 0Send: N0 M110 N0*125Trying baudrate: 230400Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 4Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 3Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 2Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 1Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 0Send: N0 M110 N0*125Trying baudrate: 57600Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 4Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 3Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 2Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 1Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 0Send: N0 M110 N0*125Trying baudrate: 38400Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 4Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 3Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 2Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 1Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 0Send: N0 M110 N0*125Trying baudrate: 19200Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 4Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 3Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 2Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 1Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 0Send: N0 M110 N0*125Trying baudrate: 9600Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 4Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 3Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 2Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 1Send: N0 M110 N0*125Baudrate test retry: 0Send: N0 M110 N0*125Changing monitoring state from 'Detecting baudrate' to 'Offline'Changing monitoring state from 'Offline' to 'Error: No more baudrates to test, and no suitable baudrate found.'Connection closed, closing down monitor

Posted : 30/12/2017 5:18 am
Eminent Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

I forgot to toggle the RiPort -> On in the firmware on the printer. It works now . Going to test printing next.

Posted : 30/12/2017 6:05 am
Joe Mike Terranella
Active Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

Updated to RC4 and doing a test print. Still getting random movements outside of the print. My Octoprint terminal has also stopped... It just isn't running anymore.

We'll see what happens I guess

Posted : 30/12/2017 7:19 am
Joe Mike Terranella
Active Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

Updated to RC4 and doing a test print. Still getting random movements outside of the print. My Octoprint terminal has also stopped... It just isn't running anymore.

We'll see what happens I guess

Refreshed the web browser and the terminal is back for now.

Posted : 30/12/2017 7:22 am
Joe Mike Terranella
Active Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

Still getting cheksum errors

Send: N8390 G1 X146.967 Y65.214 E0.0435*93
Recv: ok
Send: N8391 G1 X146.517 Y65.028 E0.0179*87
Recv: ok
Send: N8392 G1 X145.827 Y65.718 E0.0358*92
Recv: Error:checksum mismatch, Last Line: 8391
Recv: Resend: 8392
Recv: ok
Send: N8392 G1 X145.827 Y65.718 E0.0358*92
Recv: ok
Send: N8393 G1 X145.542 Y65.477 E0.0137*82
Recv: ok
Send: N8394 G1 X145.470 Y65.438 E0.0030*88
Recv: ok
Send: N8395 G1 X146.067 Y64.841 E0.0309*82
Recv: ok
Send: N8396 G1 X145.617 Y64.655 E0.0179*93
Recv: ok
Send: N8397 G1 X145.051 Y65.220 E0.0293*88
Recv: ok
Send: N8398 G1 X144.630 Y65.088 E0.0162*90
Recv: Error:checksum mismatch, Last Line: 8397
Recv: Resend: 8398
Recv: ok
Send: N8398 G1 X144.630 Y65.088 E0.0162*90
Recv: ok
Send: N8399 G1 X144.556 Y65.080 E0.0027*80
Recv: ok
Send: N8400 G1 X145.167 Y64.469 E0.0317*82
Recv: Error:checksum mismatch, Last Line: 8399
Recv: Resend: 8400
Recv: ok
Send: N8400 G1 X145.167 Y64.469 E0.0317*82
Recv: Error:checksum mismatch, Last Line: 8399
Recv: Resend: 8400
Recv: ok
Send: N8400 G1 X145.167 Y64.469 E0.0317*82
Recv: ok
Send: N8401 G1 X144.717 Y64.282 E0.0179*90
Recv: ok
Send: N8402 G1 X143.949 Y65.050 E0.0398*90
Recv: ok
Send: N8403 G1 X142.802 Y63.652 F6000*79
Recv: ok
Send: N8404 G1 X142.917 Y63.537 E0.0060 F2310*54
Recv: ok
Send: N8405 G1 X143.367 Y63.723 E0.0179*83
Recv: ok
Send: N8406 G1 X142.332 Y64.757 E0.0536*90
Recv: ok
Send: N8407 G1 X141.863 Y65.863 E0.0440*94
Recv: ok
Send: N8408 G1 X143.817 Y63.909 E0.1013*88
Recv: ok
Send: N8409 G1 X144.267 Y64.096 E0.0179*87
Recv: ok
Send: N8410 G1 X143.127 Y65.236 E0.0591*84
Recv: ok
Send: N8411 G1 X142.723 Y65.446 E0.0167*90
Recv: ok
Send: N8412 G1 X142.337 Y65.756 E0.0181*82
Recv: ok
Send: N8413 G1 X142.028 Y66.122 E0.0176*80
Recv: ok
Send: N8414 G1 X141.786 Y66.554 E0.0181*90
Recv: ok
Send: N8415 G1 X141.775 Y66.588 E0.0013*92
Recv: ok
Send: N8416 G1 X141.394 Y66.969 E0.0198*85
Recv: ok
Send: N8417 G1 E-0.8000 F1800*35
Recv: ok
Send: N8418 G1 X129.966 Y66.942 F6000*64
Recv: ok
Send: N8419 G1 E0.8000 F1800*0
Recv: ok
Send: N8420 G1 X133.013 Y63.894 E0.1580 F2310*53
Recv: ok
Send: N8421 G1 X132.567 Y63.704 E0.0178*81
Recv: ok
Send: N8422 G1 X129.516 Y66.755 E0.1582*95
Recv: ok
Send: N8423 G1 X129.066 Y66.569 E0.0179*80
Recv: ok
Send: N8424 G1 X132.545 Y63.090 E0.1804*93
Recv: ok
Send: N8425 G1 X133.014 Y61.984 E0.0440*95
Recv: ok
Send: N8426 G1 X128.616 Y66.382 E0.2281*80
Recv: Error:checksum mismatch, Last Line: 8425
Recv: Resend: 8426
Recv: ok
Send: N8426 G1 X128.616 Y66.382 E0.2281*80
Recv: ok
Send: N8427 G1 X128.166 Y66.196 E0.0179*80
Recv: ok
Send: N8428 G1 X133.484 Y60.878 E0.2758*84
Recv: ok
Send: N8429 G1 X133.934 Y59.816 E0.0423*92
Recv: ok
Send: N8430 G1 X133.917 Y59.809 E0.0007*89
Recv: ok
Send: N8431 G1 X127.716 Y66.010 E0.3216*95
Recv: ok
Send: N8432 G1 X127.266 Y65.823 E0.0179*92
Recv: ok
Send: N8433 G1 X133.467 Y59.622 E0.3216*86
Recv: Error:checksum mismatch, Last Line: 8432
Recv: Resend: 8433

Posted : 30/12/2017 7:24 am
Joe Mike Terranella
Active Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

Also resend requests

Recv: Error:Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 10334
Recv: Resend: 10335

Posted : 30/12/2017 7:26 am
Eminent Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

I'm getting the check sum erros too. But if you look at the next line it sends it resends the same line. So its doing what it should do when there is a crc error. I have not seen it go nuts yet. I'm going to do a longer print and see if screws up. Personally I hate ascii protocols using comma seperated values with last value being crc. Are you using there prusa octopi image ?

Posted : 30/12/2017 7:40 am
Joe Mike Terranella
Active Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

Very true. I'm almost done with my test print and so far it hasn't messed up. This print failed within 15 minutes on RC3

Posted : 30/12/2017 7:48 am
Trusted Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

It works!! Many thanks to the Prusa Research team for getting this latest release out the door!!

I'm getting serial issues too:

Send: N33790 G1 X117.084 Y100.799 E0.02142*100
Recv: Error:checksum mismatch, Last Line: 33789
Recv: Resend: 33790
Recv: ok
Send: N33790 G1 X117.084 Y100.799 E0.02142*100
Recv: Error:Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 33789
Recv: Resend: 33790
Recv: ok
Send: N33790 G1 X117.084 Y100.799 E0.02142*100
Recv: ok


...But if you look at the next line ... it resends the same line. So its doing what it should do when there is a crc error...

A 21 minute test print came out great, but I also noticed a strange X move near the start. I'll run a bigger print now and see how it goes.

FWIW I'm running OctoPrint 1.3.4 , not the Prusa img. It was working perfectly via USB previously, so I updated the firmware, mounted pin headers (after cutting four vent dividers in the Einsy case), and edited the OctoPrint ports following the excellent instructions from the start of this thread.

I'm curious if folks are seeing the same serial issues with the Prusa img.

Posted : 30/12/2017 8:14 am
Estimable Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

If you are adventurous we also prepared preconfigured image for RpiZW Use Etcher and configure wifi as in the first post.

This seems to be an octopi fork. What are the changes, and are you working on including them in the main branches of octoprint/octopi as well?

If not, are you intending to continue to support this fork in the future, mirroring the improvements and changes made in octoprint/octopi?

Posted : 30/12/2017 10:27 am
Eminent Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

Well the MK3_PLA_Triceratops_Skull_150um_3H.gcode failed. It spiked few layers and its ball of mess. But that might have been a kink in the filment. Going to try it again.

This seems to be an octopi fork. What are the changes, and are you working on including them in the main branches of octoprint/octopi as well?

If not, are you intending to continue to support this fork in the future, mirroring the improvements and changes made in octoprint/octopi?

I don't think its a fork. Its an upgraded version of octopi and the configurtion setup to work with MK3.

Posted : 30/12/2017 5:44 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

No It failed
At least the jam detection stopped the print. Going to wait for the next firmware release before testing again.

Posted : 30/12/2017 6:42 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

No It failed
At least the jam detection stopped the print. Going to wait for the next firmware release before testing again.

new firmware released today. mentions better octopi stability.

Posted : 30/12/2017 6:48 pm
Active Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

No It failed
At least the jam detection stopped the print. Going to wait for the next firmware release before testing again.

Yep, same results here, strange moves. and also several "tail-blobs" like yours.
going to update and test again.

first i tought i had done something wrong on the connection Pi/rambo board.
but looks like a stability issue on octopi!?

regards Ron

Posted : 30/12/2017 7:23 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

new firmware released today. mentions better octopi stability.

I am using the newest firmware Firmware 3.1.1 RC4 b143 (December 30, 2017) with the octprint image provided by Prusa.

Posted : 30/12/2017 8:09 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

new firmware released today. mentions better octopi stability.

I am using the newest firmware Firmware 3.1.1 RC4 b143 (December 30, 2017) with the octprint image provided by Prusa.

thanks, ill hold off installing my pi zero then.

Posted : 30/12/2017 8:18 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

I noticed during my perusal of the menu on the LCD that UART 2 was off and the filament detector was off. I turned both on and the RPi connected immediately.

Posted : 30/12/2017 9:22 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

I've been using the rpi3 with the MK3 fine on RC3 but since updating to RC4 I have noticed odd travel movements to the front of the bed and random stopping with filament oozing out. Here is what is in my log before I turned the printer off

| Send: N14926 G1 X110.795 Y73.412 E0.82358*86
| Recv: Error:No Checksum with line number, Last Line: 14925
| Recv: Resend: 14926
2017-12-30 21:26:36,807 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Got a resend request from the printer: requested line = 14929, current line = 14930
| Last lines in terminal:
| Recv: ok
| Send: N14923 G1 X112.123 Y97.368 E0.02819*92
| Recv: ok
| Send: N14924 G1 X111.314 Y97.567 E0.02818*86
| Recv: ok
| Send: N14925 G1 X110.795 Y97.744 E0.01856*81
| Recv: ok
| Send: N14926 G1 X110.795 Y73.412 E0.82358*86
| Recv: Error:No Checksum with line number, Last Line: 14925
| Recv: Resend: 14926
| Recv: ok
| Send: N14926 G1 X110.795 Y73.412 E0.82358*86
| Recv: ok
| Send: N14927 G1 X110.981 Y73.367 E0.00649*86
| Recv: ok
| Send: N14928 G1 X111.074 Y73.546 E0.00683*88
| Recv: ok
| Send: N14929 G1 X111.363 Y73.981 E0.01768*94
| Recv: Error:checksum mismatch, Last Line: 14928
| Recv: Resend: 14929
2017-12-30 21:26:39,586 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Got a resend request from the printer: requested line = 15037, current line = 15038
| Last lines in terminal:
| Recv: ok
| Send: N15029 G1 X123.278 Y103.467 E0.10883*101
| Recv: ok
| Send: N15030 G1 X127.603 Y99.142 E0.20703*85
| Recv: ok
| Send: N15031 G1 X127.829 Y99.045 E0.00832*91
| Recv: ok
| Send: N15032 G1 X128.526 Y98.649 E0.02714*87
| Recv: ok
| Send: N15033 G1 X129.002 Y98.306 E0.01983*89
| Recv: ok
| Send: N15034 G1 X129.597 Y97.771 E0.02711*90
| Recv: ok
| Send: N15035 G1 X129.979 Y97.347 E0.01931*89
| Recv: ok
| Send: N15036 G1 X130.312 Y96.904 E0.01878*85
| Recv: ok
| Send: N15037 G1 X130.442 Y96.696 E0.00829*87
| Recv: Error:Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 15036
| Recv: Resend: 15037

Posted : 30/12/2017 10:51 pm
New Member
Re: Rpi Zero & Octopi working!!!!

Serial comms issue from the resend requests?

Posted : 30/12/2017 11:26 pm
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