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Relocating Einsy board, what connectors are needed?
I am thinking about moving the Einsy board and the display outside my enclosure, to improve the lifetime of the electronics, and to prevent "TMC Driver Overtemp" error.
What are the names of the connectors used? Many have small taps to prevent plugging them in reversed. I want to replicate that.
Publié : 07/04/2019 10:03 am
Re: Relocating Einsy board, what connectors are needed?
They're called Molex SL Modular connectors and are available via Digikey, Mouser, etc. (I ordered mine from Digikey). You could pretty easily make your own extensions with female on one end and male on the other, without the need to alter any of the factory wiring.
Publié : 08/04/2019 7:05 pm