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Prusa Mk3s dual nozzle setup possibility  

New Member
Prusa Mk3s dual nozzle setup possibility

Hi everyone,

I m working using a Mk3s and I m very excited about its quality. My current work focuses on an experimental application where I require two distinct printheads (two extruders and two nozzles) on a single axis.  Is this possible using this particular printer model? I can build a custom double printhead, I am more worried about the limitations of the board and the software. After a brief search on the forum I couldn't come across a topic that answers this question, though I m sure at least one such topic exists. If you know anything about this setup or could direct me to a previous discussion about this I will be very grateful!

Thank you all in advance! 

Veröffentlicht : 02/07/2021 8:12 am
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Mk3s dual nozzle setup possibility

If you're talking about an IDEX style printer then I would think you're better off looking at an open source alternative.  Most will run their own flavor of firmware such as RRF on the duet boards.

Veröffentlicht : 02/07/2021 1:03 pm