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Pi Zero W with 40 pin header  

Active Member
Pi Zero W with 40 pin header

Just got my first Mk3S+ and realised I have an old Pi Zero W on the shelf from an older retired project.  It has the full 40 pin header soldered on though.

Other than desoldering the header, is there any reason I couldn't just take some snips to it and cut off the unwanted header pins?

Napsal : 24/01/2023 4:23 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Pi Zero W with 40 pin header

Just Dont.  The pi zero is not really recommended for use, even though theres the old tutorial/instructions for doing it the performance was marginal.  Its way under powered.

Prusa have updated their info regarding it even   

Napsal : 24/01/2023 4:57 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Pi Zero W with 40 pin header

I did read about the processing power issue. I used to use Octoprint on my Ender and switched to Klipper and Fluidd.  Really just looking for a way to send files to the Prusa without the SD card and sneakernet.

Napsal : 24/01/2023 5:04 pm
Extra Fox
Reputable Member

I used a Pi Zero W for a while, but it was so limiting in terms of its capabilities it made the OctoPrint experience less than ideal. As Neophyl posted and the article states, the image for OctoPrint that ran on the Zero isn't even being maintained.

If you try to update OctoPrint to the full version it popped up a message constantly telling you the hardware wasn't supported. I wouldn't be surprised if they've gotten more aggressive with those measures since last I used it.

A proper Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 connected to the top USB port on the Einsy is a far better solution both in terms of capability and support.


Napsal : 24/01/2023 5:12 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Pi Zero W with 40 pin header

Thanks. Guess the Zero will continue to gather dust on the shelf!

I have a Pi3 that's currently running PiHole on my network.  Wonder if I can get that hooked up to Octoprint too - unless I can run Octoprint and Fluidd on the same Pi that is hosting my Ender ... 

Napsal : 24/01/2023 5:15 pm
Moderátor Moderator
RE: Pi Zero W with 40 pin header

I know it doesn't help you make use of your Pi Zero W but the newer is Pi Zero 2 W is said to be fully compatible and useable.

Napsal : 24/01/2023 8:23 pm
Illustrious Member

The Pi Zero was OK at first but the software grew, new features, added cameras and the like became too much for it.  If you just want the connection then a Pi Zero with the original operating system and software will still work ... just don't expect support.


Napsal : 25/01/2023 4:18 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Pi Zero W with 40 pin header

My goal really is just to avoid sneakernet to get files onto the SD card.  If I could push files over the network to the card to print or to the Pi and have the Prusa print from that, I'd be good.  When adding a Pi with Octoprint, I'm guessing that Octoprint takes over the print management from the Einsy?  I'm not necessarily looking to control the printer remotely like I do with my Ender and Fluidd/Mainsail.

Going full Klipper on the Prusa may be a future task, I need to get to know the printer first (had it only 3 days!)

Napsal : 25/01/2023 1:26 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Pi Zero W with 40 pin header

I use a 15$ Pi3A+ with Octoprint driving two cameras (v1 camera for scene view, USB borescope camera for nozzle view) and can switch between both with Octoprint buttons:

The 15$ Pi0W2 is 4-core arm cpu as the Pi3A+ has, Pi0 and Pi0W were single core; so Pi0W2 can be used as well.

Btw, Octoprint uses mjpg-streamer and that officially supportslegacy camera interface only.
Arducam ported libcamera support to mjpg-streamer, so that mjpeg-streamer can be used with now default libcamera stack as well:

That allows to run mjpg-streamer with new Raspberry v3 camera as well, that has no legacy cameera stack support.

I have not tried v3 camera to watch my MINI+ 3Dprinter yet, but that camera is very good at low light conditions.
You can see good photos with only 0.7lux ...:

Napsal : 25/01/2023 7:59 pm