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Phaetus X Primacreator tungsten carbide nozzle for MK3S+  

Active Member
Phaetus X Primacreator tungsten carbide nozzle for MK3S+


I am thinking about getting tungsten carbide nozzle for my stock MK3S+. I was thinking about using some abrasive filaments in close future and just have ease of mind in long term printer usage, and honestly i don't want to have to mess with slicer settings.

In closest vicinity there is only one nozzle available Phaetus X Primacreator .4 TC M6. Is anyone using it? Is it really full TC nozzle not the "insert" one?

Are there any alternatives available in europe/Poland? Please advice.


Napsal : 06/12/2022 9:40 am
Extra Fox
Reputable Member
RE: Phaetus X Primacreator tungsten carbide nozzle for MK3S+

I've never even heard of those before, but I'm glad you posted them. If their marketing is to be believed, they seem to claim these are good all-around nozzles. Definitely an interesting option for the abrasives. Now I'm thinking I want to have a go with the filaments leveraging carbon fiber.

Looking closely at the .6mm nozzle, it appears they're a 2 part, welded assembly. So my hope would be that the nozzle itself is the tungsten and perhaps they've gone with a softer, easier to machine metal for the hex section?

Tungsten Carbide Nozzle 0,6 mm


Napsal : 07/12/2022 6:44 am
Famed Member
RE: Phaetus X Primacreator tungsten carbide nozzle for MK3S+

Yes, looks like one of those "partial" TC nozzles. Before I bought my first TC I did a lot of research (aka googling) to conclude that I want a full-body TC nozzle and no alloy, which left me with 3d Maker Engineering and Spool3D. I have nozzles from both companies, from 0.25 to 0.8 mm, and they work very well. But if they're not available in your area or shipping is prohibitively expensive, the one you found may well be worth a try. I appreciate the ease of mind of not having to worry about nozzle wear a lot.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 07/12/2022 12:19 pm
Eric E
RE: Phaetus X Primacreator tungsten carbide nozzle for MK3S+

^^^ What he said.  Wise words.

Don’t trust forum advice.

Napsal : 07/12/2022 12:28 pm
Reputable Member

AFAIK all the TC nozles available from reputable Chinese vendors (Phaetus, Mellow, Triangle Labs) are composed of two parts : a TC conical tip and the body of the nozzle made from nickel plated copper. I'm sure they work quite well and the final cost is at least 20-25% cheaper than 3Dmaker/Spool3D full body TC nozzles, if the buyer isn't living in North America. 

Anyway, like fuchsr, I also prefer nozzles made from a single part so,  in spite of being in Europe, I got mine from 3Dmaker Engineering.

This post was modified před 2 years 2 times by Artur5
Napsal : 07/12/2022 3:31 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Phaetus X Primacreator tungsten carbide nozzle for MK3S+


Thank you all for answering. I am waiting for Phaetus reply about nozzle composition/design. When i know more i will share information in this thread.

In the meantime for me 3Dmakers nozzle is not so much more expensive even with shipping cost included (would be much better to make bigger order).



Napsal : 07/12/2022 4:31 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Phaetus X Primacreator tungsten carbide nozzle for MK3S+

Hi everyone,

Got response from shop, and as you guessed Phaetus X Primacreator nozzle is just TC insert. Case closed. I will be getting either 3Dmaker or Spool3D for ease of mind.


Napsal : 13/12/2022 11:27 am
Estimable Member

Since i live in Europe and the shipping would double the price of the full tungsten ones. (shipping + vat) i decided to go for the Phaetus.
I have been using the phaetus tungsten nozzle for quite some time now and it has been an excellent experience. It just eats any filament i throw at it, abrasive like carbon, glow in the dark, you name it, it all works fine. I also didn't have to change any profile for temperature, unlike the ruby nozzle i also have.

I also had my doubts because it has an insert, but it just works fine for more than 6 months now.

Napsal : 04/01/2023 9:49 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Phaetus X Primacreator tungsten carbide nozzle for MK3S+

Hey rinkel

Thanks for that information. It's good to know how first hand experience is.

For now my mind is set on 3Dmaker one.


Napsal : 04/01/2023 10:09 pm