Ok, I'm an idiot but... Mk3s connected to creality sonic pad??
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Ok, I'm an idiot but... Mk3s connected to creality sonic pad??  

Trusted Member
Ok, I'm an idiot but... Mk3s connected to creality sonic pad??

My Mk3s+ has been fantastic but the sonic pad just made my Ender 6 tolerable and way better in speed and print quality...

Any reason I should not connect the prusa to it and enjoy some Klipper magic?

Any recommendations?

Postato : 16/01/2024 11:11 pm
Active Member
RE: Ok, I'm an idiot but... Mk3s connected to creality sonic pad??

i DID, its very loud 😀 Works however so much tuning to be done 

Postato : 28/02/2024 9:41 pm