Octoprint - Printer Profile for MK3
I was trying to find the right values for the Octoprint Profile for the MK3 and I stumble on this page from the Octoprint Community Forum:
Some of the values in there such as the speed are definitely way too slow for the MK3S mostly the 200mm/min for the z-axis, but nonetheless the values can work but I'm still unsure about some of them like the Build Size and Custom Bound-ing Box.
If I compared with the profile values that comes with the prusa_print.img from Raspberry Pi Zero W preparation and installation, there's no value set for the Custom Bound-ing Box in the prusa_print.img and the Build Volume height is 200mm on the Octoprint Community Forum vs 210mm on the prusa_print.img.
Build Size (Octoprint vs Prusa)
Width: 250mm vs 250mm
Depth: 210mm vs 210 mm
Height: 200mm vs 210 mm
Custom Bound-ing Box (Octoprint vs Prusa)
X: 0/250 vs 0/250
Y: -4/210 vs 0/210
Z: 0/200 vs 0/210
Which values should I trust, the one from Octoprint or the one from the prusa_print.img?
RE: Octoprint - Printer Profile for MK3
I think you're looking for this noting the cfg settings from Bobstro (MuppetLabs)..at least this seems like it is working for me.
Not sure yet if it is "slow" vs the SD card print or not, but seems semi-close (octoPrint reporting SD card print at 1h30, PrusaSlicr 1h15)
RE: Octoprint - Printer Profile for MK3
You can find Prusa's profile settings here.
The Prusa startup gcode prints the prime line at position Y-3. This may cause errors with OctoPrint, particularly the OctoLapse plugin, if you don't define a custom bounding box that takes this into account. I just disable the checks in OctoPrint.
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RE: Octoprint - Printer Profile for MK3
Hi everybody,
does anybody know if the old MK3 profiles in Octoprint still work fine with MK3s? So far I've upgraded the printer itself, its firmware and Cura, but I'm not sure if I can continue with the existing Octoprint installation (it's still connecting by the way).