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Eminent Member

Installed Octopi on a PI 2 model B. I can bring up the web interface but when I try to connect it will not connect to the MK3. Any suggestions what can be wrong? When it is trying to connect the LCD on the MK3 changes and the fans come on.

Postato : 31/03/2018 5:02 pm
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint

Installed Octopi on a PI 2 model B. I can bring up the web interface but when I try to connect it will not connect to the MK3. Any suggestions what can be wrong? When it is trying to connect the LCD on the MK3 changes and the fans come on.

What are you connection settings?

- 1st "printer" TIKO 3D
- 2nd PRUSA i3 MK2S with MMU v1
- 3rd PRUSA i3 MK2S
- 4th PRUSA i3 MK3 with MMU v2- 5th PRUSA i3 MK4 (upgraded from MK3) with MMU v3 (upgraded from…

Postato : 01/04/2018 2:31 am
Reputable Member
Re: OctoPrint

My experience has been that having the baud rate at auto causes issues, that being said ensure your baud rate is 115200...

Postato : 01/04/2018 3:22 am
Honorable Member
Re: OctoPrint

Are you using a fresh OctoPrint image or the PrusaPrint OctoPrint image? If you're using the PrusaPrint image and have the Pi connected via USB you will get boot loops because the default connection setting is set for serial, not USB.

Postato : 01/04/2018 3:59 am
Active Member
Re: OctoPrint

Turn off RPI from the Prusa menu or it won't connect via USB.

Menu->Settings->RPI Port

Set it to Off.

Postato : 02/04/2018 4:30 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: OctoPrint


I will try this tonight.

Postato : 02/04/2018 6:51 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: OctoPrint

Thanks for the help

I was using auto detect when i selected the speed connected.

I do get this error when starting a print

Postato : 07/04/2018 7:13 pm
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint

Thanks for the help

I was using auto detect when i selected the speed connected.

I do get this error when starting a print

Are you using a skirt or brim that falls outside the print area?

Postato : 07/04/2018 7:26 pm
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint

Thanks for the help

I was using auto detect when i selected the speed connected.

I do get this error when starting a print

This is expected with the default Octoprint settings. It's because the purge/priming line prints outside the defined print volume. You can just disable this check in Octoprint by going to Settings > Features and un-checking Enable model size detection and warn if model exceeds print bed.

Postato : 07/04/2018 7:38 pm
Trusted Member
Re: OctoPrint

A better fix is checking "Custom bounding box" in your Printer Profile under "Print bed & build volume" and setting the Y min to -3 for the purge line.

Postato : 07/04/2018 7:54 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: OctoPrint

A better fix is checking "Custom bounding box" in your Printer Profile under "Print bed & build volume" and setting the Y min to -3 for the purge line.


I saw that but was not sure what it was. I should have tried it.

Postato : 07/04/2018 9:40 pm
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint

A better fix is checking "Custom bounding box" in your Printer Profile under "Print bed & build volume" and setting the Y min to -3 for the purge line.

I originally tried that and still got bounding box errors so just gave up and used the hammer solution of flipping off the check. S3D ensures my stuff is within the bed bounding box already, I don't need two checks.

Postato : 08/04/2018 12:06 am
Mert Kışlakçı
RE: OctoPrint

I am using Toshiba w-04 wifi sd card. I read your article on the form stating that this card can be used as an ftp server, but I could not set the card as ftp. I want to use the card as an ftp server via Windows 11 with a static IP, can you please help me with this. What should my config file be like? What steps do I need to do?

Postato : 13/01/2025 7:42 pm