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my DIY enclosure  

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my DIY enclosure

Hi guys,

Just wanted to share my DIY build enclosure. I liked the Prusa version a lot, but I wanted one to a lot sturdier and heavier.

I got my inspiration from this great build by 'Panda Props & Costumes'
I changed the design as I wanted the sides to be able to be taken off for easy access and more importantly to have it lighter in case I have to move it.

The enclosure is made from:
- 3 "Sindvik" glass doors Ikea (Dutch Ikea website)
- a pair of large horizontal "Utrusta" hinges Ikea
- 2x white 18mm melamine board (for the bottom, back and top of the enclosure) of 120x60cm.
- I could not use the side doors for attaching the hinges (removable), so I used the leftover section of the boards to create two 20cm wide pieces that I attached in between top and bottom on the front side.
[As a result the hinges moved the thickness of a board closer and that meant that for the front door I needed small extra plywood sections to be able to screw the hinges to the front door.]
- 5cm long Spax wood screws
- 6 small brackets to create level resting for the sides doors.
- 4 magnet snappers to hold the side doors in place

The Utrusta hinges have dampened closing as you can see in the mentioned youtube video.
I as well have added overhead LED strips I had lying around (also Ikea, but could not find it.) Is has 4 sections so I arranged along the sides.

Still need to detach the power supply from the MK3 and attach it to the side.

If you don't have the need to make it lighter for moving: screw in the side Sindvik doors and as per original video, use small sections of plywood to screw in the hinges to the sides. Makes life easier with the hinges on the front door 😉

Total cost:
S3 indvik doors €75
set of Utrusta Hinges €35
2 melamine boards €22
Magnets and brackets €4
screws and LEDs I had already.

So for around €130 I made this version.


Postato : 18/06/2018 2:44 pm
Active Member
Re: my DIY enclosure

I love it!
I wish I could make up my mind about an enclosure. I have 4 different versions in various states from just planning to partially built and I keep changing my mind about it.


Postato : 21/06/2018 7:30 pm