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MK3S Mosquito integration  

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Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

I'm pretty sure the heat break gets screwed in all the way into the heat block on the Mosquito. That definitely would make a difference in putting on the insulator. Like you wrote, it would otherwise leave the hex portion proud.

Respondido : 03/08/2019 11:06 pm
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

After 2 weeks of issues, it looks like I'm back printing reliably and have a much better understanding of how the Mosquito works. 

Unfortunately, I've now broken 3 x Hot Ends ( 2x Magnums, and 1 x Std) + 2 x Insulators and a few of the mounting hw bits.  Passing on what I've learnt:

- The top of the Hot End is very easy to deform and it tends to crimp inwards causing filament load issues.  This deformation happens when assembling the entire hot end into the Heat Sink.  Due to the tolerances, I've not (yet) managed to salvage any of the Hot Ends (one is a complete write off from a failed attempt and the other two I'll take some time with to see if I can get them back into spec.... the tolerances are tight for both the top of the Hot End and where it seats into the Heat Sink).  

- 2 x Hot Ends met their end by installing the nozzle first instead of seating the hot end all the way to the heater block

- 1 x Hot End met it's end just now.  I seated the hot end all the way to the heater block, then installed the nozzle.  Heated up the hot end then (using the Slice Torque Wrench), tighten the nozzle some more.  I was surprised at the time how much more I could screw in the nozzle..... but what I was doing was unscrewing the hot end and deforming the top ... again ... and filament could not load.

- The hot end uses a 1.3mm Hex Head.  Get a precision hex driver set, as cheap Allan Keys end up burring.  

- I'm now very good at dismantling and assembling the Extruder!  I'm still poor at remembering to put the PTFE tube back in giving me another round of dismantly / assembling.


Summary:  I really like the Mosquito setup (Hot End, Thermister, Heater) but they are expensive and are far less forgiving than the E3D hotend. I'll order some more but.... if I keep breaking stuff I'll end up back at E3D hotends (but keep the Slice Thermister / Heater)

MMU2s Testing:  So I'm back testing MMU2s PLA prints and so far it is working well with Ramming and Tip Cooling turned off!  This is what I see as another big benefit of the Slice Hotend over E3D.  The filament path is all one precise dimension unlike the Prusa/E3D custom heat break which has a step in the filament path.  The Tips from the Mosquito (with Ramming and Tip Cooling turned off), look for better and more consistent than the E3D one (with Ramming and Tip Cooling turned ON as std).  I'll need to next test with PETG etc.

Off to order some more Mosquito Bits (and of course being in Oz have to pay and wait for it to go via a transhipper).



Respondido : 04/08/2019 7:14 am
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Tore down, cleaned up and rebuilt the Hot End again as I got a leak around the heatblock/heat break.  One thing I'd add to the rebuild instructions above, is that when assembling into the Heat Sink, slowly tighten the two little screws until there is no slack in the assembly.  Stop tightening then.  I've already started to see some crimping of the top of the heat break.  It passed cut tips just fine but is starting to grab MMU2s tips.  I'll persist with the Mosquito but I'm wondering if the tolerances are so precise it may not be a great hot end for MMU2s users as the formed tips will always gong to be around 2mm.  The only other thing I can think off, is to try adding a chamfer to the top of the heat break.

Respondido : 05/08/2019 2:47 am
Prominent Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

With the step in the Prusa E3d setup, you do know that if you order a standard E3d heatbreak from E3d, there is no step!, the step is only specific to the Prusa version of the heat break.

Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.

Respondido : 05/08/2019 10:09 am
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

@chocki - yup I know

Also - FYI, I'm liking my eSun ePA-CF (CF-Nylon).  Dimensional accurate, high quality prints.  Running off some copies of my modified Hot End parts and will give PEEK another go this weekend (away with work this week).

Respondido : 05/08/2019 12:06 pm
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

I'm going to stop trying to print PEEK on the MK3.  It's not that it can not be done but it would have to be only on just quick small prints.  The attached print shows it was going pretty well, but it failed after about 1.5hrs with a lack of extrusion.  At this point:

- The Extruder Motor was so hot I was worried I'd stuffed it - I could hardly touch it 10min after cancelling the print.  

- The Pinda Probe had drooped so much it was almost hitting the print

- The IR Sensor door has warped a bit giving issues now with loading filament

I have found a place (in NZ) that claims to print PEEK so I may send some of my parts off to them to print, as it would still be good to have PEEK Hot End parts.  That said, I'm currently printing replacement parts using the eSun ePA-CF and I love this filament.

Respondido : 09/08/2019 8:50 am
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

FYI - Here is what a the eSun ePA-CF print looks like on a Mosquito Magnum with TC nozzle!  This is my go to Filament for functional parts.  Stiff, Strong, Light, Easy to Print, and Dimensional accurate with no warping.  


Respondido : 09/08/2019 12:13 pm
Boulder y Dave Avery me gusta
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

I should have mentioned that the ePA-CF Fan Shroud has not shown any sign of warping / melting during my PEEK print tests.  Handled the heat really well.

Respondido : 10/08/2019 3:41 am
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Quick mod that helped with my MMU2s Tips feeding into the Mosquito.  The internal diameter is 2mm all the way from PTFE Tubes down through to the Nozzle itself..... with one exception.  The filament hole at the top middle of the Heat Sink is slightly smaller than 2mm and I was getting jams trying to feed a MMU2s formed tip through it.  It was a choke point.  So, I just ran a 2mm drill through it and it is now much better.  No issues with the Heat Break seating on the other side.

Respondido : 18/08/2019 7:20 am
Trusted Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Anyone actually using the 50w heater cartridge?

I'm going to build a BNBSX with mosquito and am considering going for the 50W heater. Except from upgrading the PSU are there any other things to consider? 

Respondido : 03/09/2019 7:45 pm
Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Currently running in my high temperature BNBSX, Mosquito Magnum, Slice 50 watt cartrige, Slice thermistor, Spool3D Tungsten carbide nozzle, and DIY silicon sock. Works very nicely for polycarbonate. The 50 watt heater has not been a problem for the EINSY.

Respondido : 03/09/2019 7:54 pm
SamR me gusta
Prominent Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

You could run the PSU at 26v output, mine has been running a few hours (6) so far without any issues, the Einsy has no issues, I've gone through the circuit diagram and checked the specifications of the parts.

Hot end heats faster so does the bed, and where I would struggle to get the bed up to 110 deg C, it will now reach the firmware limit  of 122 Deg C.


Obviously you do this at your own risk.

Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.

Respondido : 03/09/2019 7:59 pm
Trusted Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Do you use stock fuse or did you exchange it to a 7.5A ?

Respondido : 03/09/2019 8:00 pm
Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Stock fuse here, but I'm only at 24.2 volts. About 100 hours on this configuration in 40-42C enclosure thus far. 

BTW, BNBSX printed in Polymax PC is surviving just fine despite spending the majority of its time with nozzle at 290C and print cooling fan off except for bridging. This is with current Bunny Science Mosquito kit hot fins. Also PINDA mount is OK.


Respondido : 03/09/2019 8:07 pm
Trusted Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Thanks a lot. I‘ve printed the extruder parts in petg as I have no enclosure yet but not to worry - as fast as you turn out improved designs of parts I guess I‘ll have ample opportunity to reprint in PC 😀

Respondido : 03/09/2019 8:48 pm
Prominent Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

The stock fuses 5A for hot end and 15A for heated bed will be fine

Hot end can handle  5 x 24 = 120 W

Heated bed = 15 x 24 = 360W, to be honest why such big fuses is beyond me, the 15A is more than the PSU is rated at, but these are the same fuses they use for the same board at 12v, where the current draw is larger.

The motor controls and 5v PSU etc on the einsy are actually rated up to 42v input, but you are limited by the PWR_MON Sense and BED_MON Sense resistors 10k and 2k37 which provide a voltage divider input directly to the ATMEGA microcontroller, this input cannot go above 5v, so you are limited to 26v PSU MAX (Technically the analog inputs can be slightly overvolted on the ATMEGA to 5.5v, but it is not good practice to do so.)

Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.

Respondido : 04/09/2019 6:53 am
Active Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Hi James-hess, this is so amazing that you could replace your hotend with this beautiful new mosquito. Did you have to re-print any parts to fit it on your MK3S? Or it just fits the default 3D printed parts?

Respondido : 04/09/2019 9:10 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Why is this thread in General and not User Mods?

Respondido : 04/09/2019 9:53 pm
Larry Tener
Trusted Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

The required parts are on the Mosquito site and Thingiverse. Easy PETG print and installation.


Respondido : 06/09/2019 8:00 pm
Trusted Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Mosquito socks are now available from trianglelabs on aliexpress (for those who haven't already manufactured some).

I ordered some but it will be weeks until they arrive and I can comment on the quality.

Respondido : 05/11/2019 1:16 pm
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