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MK3 + Raspberry Pi 3b+ and the rPi header
Hey y'all,
Is it possible to power a Pi 3B+ using the pi header connections on the einsy board? I know that people have run the rPI-Zero with it, just wondering if I can do the same with the B+ and a USB webcam off it.
Napsal : 18/11/2018 7:28 am
Re: MK3 + Raspberry Pi 3b+ and the rPi header
Yes it works very well
Napsal : 18/11/2018 5:59 pm
Re: MK3 + Raspberry Pi 3b+ and the rPi header
Yes, but there is no advance to use GPIO... only disadvantages 🙂 better to use USB 🙂
Napsal : 18/11/2018 6:17 pm
Re: MK3 + Raspberry Pi 3b+ and the rPi header
Avoiding messy wiring for example 😉
Napsal : 18/11/2018 7:02 pm
Re: MK3 + Raspberry Pi 3b+ and the rPi header
So there is enough power for the pi 3 from the headers?
Napsal : 20/11/2018 9:27 pm
Re: MK3 + Raspberry Pi 3b+ and the rPi header
Napsal : 20/11/2018 9:33 pm
Re: MK3 + Raspberry Pi 3b+ and the rPi header
Wonderful, i have my case printed just need few cables to come and i'm ready to get ride of the cable mess 🙂
Napsal : 20/11/2018 10:28 pm