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Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b  

Active Member
Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b

Since the Pie Z can´t keep up with printing and streaming I got a Raspberry Pie 4b and I wondering what I need to change.

The Pie Z is mounted to the printer motherboard via som sort of serial connection (I think). I used the official guide an an Octoprint IMG with everything configured and ready.

I´m guessing I need to change some things on the SD card (is it even possible?) in order to stream from the 4b using the USB connection?

Napsal : 30/12/2019 5:57 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b

Theoretically, it should be a smooth swap, but there are enough quirks with Octoprint on the RPi4 that I'd just burn a new image and configure it to be sure. The RPi connects to the printer with a USB cable using the old USB B connector on the printer side. The RPi 4B is a bit of overkill and is likely to require cooling. You might consider keeping that for more demanding work and getting a 3B+ for Octoprint.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 30/12/2019 7:01 pm
Noble Member
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b

Man - talk about going from underpowered to overpowered...

I second the idea of getting a 3B for Octoprint and saving the 4 for web browsing or compute intensive applications.

The 3B is much more conservative on power, and will not over-heat. If you use the 4 - use good heatsinks and a good fan.

Napsal : 30/12/2019 7:13 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b

Well, overkill is my middle name 🙂 it is what I have and will use it for now. It was the onlything available over the counter and with shipping, the 3b would cost almost as much. Yes A fresh install is probably a good idea. Is three anything I should know before downloading and installing? As I said before. On the Pie Z I used a guide with files already configured. Or do I just download and install octoprint and it is ready to go?

Napsal : 30/12/2019 8:07 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b
Posted by: @magnus-l6

[...] Is three anything I should know before downloading and installing? As I said before. On the Pie Z I used a guide with files already configured. Or do I just download and install octoprint and it is ready to go?

Do a quick search and read up on any recent issues with OctoPrint/OctoPi & the RPi 4. There were issues early on, but I believe they've since been resolved.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 30/12/2019 9:03 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b

Ok I can tell you one thing you must do if you switch from a board mounted rpi to a USB. You must turn the Raspberry pi port to "off" in the settings on the printer or it won't connect.


It is up and running now, but I can't get the USB camera to stream. I guess it looking for a rpi camera and not a USB camera. Anyone knows a quick fix for that?

This post was modified před 5 years by AChangeOfSeasons
Napsal : 01/01/2020 1:12 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b


Try motion or mjpg-streamer:

I'm using mjpg-streamer with one PiCAM and two USBCAMs (Pi 3B+ and 5V/5A Powerunit RS-25-5)

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Napsal : 01/01/2020 3:44 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b

I replaced my Zero with a 4B.  The most difficult part was making a dupont connector so it would connect to the same location as the zero. The front of the board is packed full of junk and I did not want to connect it via USB.

I have not made or found a case for it yet to contain the 24V to 5v converter, 5 amp fuse and the Pi4.  It is working out perfectly and boots in a few seconds.   Not sure yet what I want to do - excuse the shoddy case and layout - the pics are here so you can see the wiring.

The 5v pin on the einsy board did not work out - serial connections did not work!  This was very frustrating - I thought it was software issue.  I recommend you test the Pi4 first on USB-C power, then move over to the power pins if you are interested in powering it this way.  The einsy connector does have 24v and 5v on it, but I did not want to take a chance after the 5v tap failure and decided to tap the incoming 24v and add a fuse.




Napsal : 01/01/2020 11:44 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b


I tried everything recommended and got to work. I´m not sure what made it work. After all the installs I tried different settings in /boot/octopi.txt

and it just started working after a while. Even though I tried the exact same settings before.

Thx for the help

Napsal : 02/01/2020 4:26 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b

Just make sure you have clean and at least 2 amps of power to the RPi or you will end up chasing your tail eventually.  I hate that!



Napsal : 02/01/2020 4:33 pm
Noble Member
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b

The standard Pi 4 supply is three amps. There is a reason.

For less that $10 for the official one, no reason to not have a little margin.

Also note: most 5V cell phone power supplies won't work. Bad fab on the Pi 4 USB power port.

Napsal : 02/01/2020 4:37 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b

sorry, 3 amps...

Napsal : 02/01/2020 4:49 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b

I recommend powering a device you use to monitor your printer from somewhere else besides the printer. The printer power supply doesn't have a lot of margin built in, and it would be bad news to have the RPi (especially a 4B) and printer both get busy and pull load at the same time. Ideally, you'd like any monitoring to be "out of band" and independent of the monitored equipment.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 02/01/2020 5:46 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b

I agree with the last post even though I powered it from the 24v supply.  Tapping into the mains before it enters the power supply and having its own 100/220=>5v would certainly be better.  Its just more practical since doing research I came up with zero failures using this method.

I used a 3.5 amp converter.  I have not stressed it though.  Next time I print, I will log into the Pi and stress it as it warms up to make sure its using near max power to see what happens.

If you don't mind having two plugs, then yep it's a way better idea. 





Napsal : 02/01/2020 7:08 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b

110/230V to 5V/5A:

working with all Raspis; install in a housing next to the printer.

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Napsal : 02/01/2020 10:04 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b

I think you have convinced me to just hang one on the 24v power supply and tap the 110 switched power. It would simplify everything..


Napsal : 03/01/2020 2:45 am
Eminent Member
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b


Well it wont overheat, it will just throttle down in order to not overheat. This is not a bad  thing at all.

I did not see the point in getting a 3 because they are about the same price unless you already have one.  If you want more speed, just throw a fan on it.  If you don't need the extra speed just let it throttle down or underclock if you want to.

It gives you more options. You can use it for other things even if the printer is running or not.  You can compile the Prusa Slicer and run it on there.   You can also just throw on the latest version of Cura on there.  This guy has it compiled and ready to roll in an appimage. w">

Octopi has an older version of Cura as a plug in that runs right in the browser! How cool is that. Super duper cool.  


Pi4 all the way!



Napsal : 03/01/2020 3:02 am
John Huggins
Active Member
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b


I also plan on installing a Pi 4 with Octoprint on my Mk3S. I will use the Pi power supply instead of power from the PSU or USB port. What pins do I need to connect tie Pi to the printer MB and do I need to change any other settings.



Napsal : 06/01/2020 1:36 am
Noble Member
RE: Migrate from Raspberry Pie Z to Raspberry pie 4b

My own recommendation is - don't tie to any pins on the Einsy. Use the USB port.

Much less risk of shorting something, and the USB port is rock solid.

Napsal : 07/01/2020 6:56 am
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