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Lack enclosure compatible Y-axis camera mount?  

Active Member
Lack enclosure compatible Y-axis camera mount?

Heya folks - finished building my Lack enclosure (finally!) and then turned to Octoprint. Got the Pi 4 and touchscreen finally working nicely. Hooray!

Now though, am pondering camera options. Right now I have the R Pi camera board attached via ribbon cable to the Pi, which is sitting on top of the Lack, and the camera is mounted to the top of the enclosure, so gives a more or less birds-eye view of the print bed. Does the job, but not optimal so would like to affix it to the y-axis. Problem is, all of the mounts I've found are too long to handle the constraints of the enclosure. (Plus, would like to ideally switch to something like a Logitech C920 when people stop price gouging them).

Anybody got a setup they're using that works?

Publié : 29/04/2020 12:18 am
Mat et Joe ont aimé
Active Member
RE: Lack enclosure compatible Y-axis camera mount?

I just finished ordering my enclosure parts, so I don't have it built yet.  I was thinking that one of these adjustable mounts may be the way to go.  This is the one I was considering, but I haven't tested it yet.

There are remixes for the camera mount for different types of cameras.  

Publié : 04/05/2020 5:47 am
Active Member
RE: Lack enclosure compatible Y-axis camera mount?
Posted by: @ubermick

Heya folks - finished building my Lack enclosure (finally!) and then turned to Octoprint. Got the Pi 4 and touchscreen finally working nicely. Hooray!

Now though, am pondering camera options. Right now I have the R Pi camera board attached via ribbon cable to the Pi, which is sitting on top of the Lack, and the camera is mounted to the top of the enclosure, so gives a more or less birds-eye view of the print bed. Does the job, but not optimal so would like to affix it to the y-axis. Problem is, all of the mounts I've found are too long to handle the constraints of the enclosure. (Plus, would like to ideally switch to something like a Logitech C920 when people stop price gouging them).

Anybody got a setup they're using that works?

Nice build @ubernick. Which model did you use for the Prusa control panel mount on the front, and the little oval grommet to take the cables underneath?

I have just finished my Lack build, haven't powered up the LEDs yet as I've installed an individually addressable strip (no particular reason other than for a fun light show).

Your block paving underneath the printer is a good idea, did you place that on anything soft? I think I'll do something similar but with 25mm rigid insulation underneath as I have some spare. Hopefully will be able to hide the ugly insulation.

I'm looking at camera mount options as well. Previously I have used the one that slides underneath the hotbed which is nice as the camera moves with the hotbed for clearer moving images. Haven't tried fitting that with the space constraints of the enclosure yet (currently running a print but will test this afterwards). Failing that, I see no major benefit to attaching the camera to the Y axis motor, in fact I prefer seeing a slightly wider angle view so may just opt for mounting the camera on the leg somehow.

Publié : 26/05/2020 4:56 pm
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