Josef Prusa, Please add 0.15mm and 0.8mm nozzle profiles along the other stock ones in Slic3r PE
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Josef Prusa, Please add 0.15mm and 0.8mm nozzle profiles along the other stock ones in Slic3r PE  

Trusted Member
Josef Prusa, Please add 0.15mm and 0.8mm nozzle profiles along the other stock ones in Slic3r PE

I know we can do our own and some other added their own profiles. But unfortunately I'm not that experienced with creating custom profiles, and I'd like to use the stock profiles rather than ones made by others (personal preference).

Can we have stock profiles for 0.15mm and 0.8mm nozzles please?

Napsal : 23/12/2018 11:31 am
Honorable Member
Re: Josef Prusa, Please add 0.15mm and 0.8mm nozzle profiles along the other stock ones in Slic3r PE

I know we can do our own and some other added their own profiles. But unfortunately I'm not that experienced with creating custom profiles, and I'd like to use the stock profiles rather than ones made by others (personal preference).

Can we have stock profiles for 0.15mm and 0.8mm nozzles please?

the stock profiles are for layer heights, unless i'm misunderstanding what you're asking. You can put in whatever nozzle size you want and adjust the necessary flow and retraction settings accordingly. You'll need to get comfortable with tuning your own profiles, those nozzles are pretty niche and will work very differently in each situation.

that said, E3d themselves list .15 as "experimental" with the v6 and will require a lot of tweaking and fussing to get right, so I wouldn't expect them to guarantee that 100% out of the box.

Napsal : 23/12/2018 9:39 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Josef Prusa, Please add 0.15mm and 0.8mm nozzle profiles along the other stock ones in Slic3r PE

I know we can do our own and some other added their own profiles. But unfortunately I'm not that experienced with creating custom profiles, and I'd like to use the stock profiles rather than ones made by others (personal preference).
I suspect Prusa wants to put a cap on the number of "official" supported profiles simply because of all the possible iterations they'd have to test and support. 3 print profiles with different layer heights X 3 filaments X 3 nozzle sizes = 27 supported combinations. Add in 2 more nozzle sizes and you're up to 45.

Fortunately, modifying the profiles yourself is straightforward. I've put my notes here. You basically load one of the Prusa defaults that's close (e.g. 0.25mm profile for a smaller nozzle, 0.60mm profile for larger), modify whatever you want and do a "save as" by giving it a new name after you hit the save button.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 24/12/2018 3:42 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Josef Prusa, Please add 0.15mm and 0.8mm nozzle profiles along the other stock ones in Slic3r PE

..... adjust the necessary flow and retraction settings accordingly. You'll need to get comfortable with tuning your own profiles,.....

That's the problem, I'm not comfortable doing that at all. I prefer that I use stock profiles because I trust that they tested them out perfectly with the MK3.

Napsal : 24/12/2018 5:04 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Josef Prusa, Please add 0.15mm and 0.8mm nozzle profiles along the other stock ones in Slic3r PE

..... adjust the necessary flow and retraction settings accordingly. You'll need to get comfortable with tuning your own profiles,.....

That's the problem, I'm not comfortable doing that at all. I prefer that I use stock profiles because I trust that they tested them out perfectly with the MK3.

Napsal : 24/12/2018 5:04 am
Eminent Member
Re: Josef Prusa, Please add 0.15mm and 0.8mm nozzle profiles along the other stock ones in Slic3r PE

..... adjust the necessary flow and retraction settings accordingly. You'll need to get comfortable with tuning your own profiles,.....

That's the problem, I'm not comfortable doing that at all. I prefer that I use stock profiles because I trust that they tested them out perfectly with the MK3.

The problem is they aren’t perfect and tweaking is required

Napsal : 24/12/2018 5:21 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Josef Prusa, Please add 0.15mm and 0.8mm nozzle profiles along the other stock ones in Slic3r PE

[...] That's the problem, I'm not comfortable doing that at all. I prefer that I use stock profiles because I trust that they tested them out perfectly with the MK3.
I think that's exactly why you won't see more "official" profiles. There's this unrealistic expectation that they can be "tested out perfectly". Prusa spends time & expense on tuning the supported profiles. The provided profiles work well in the vast majority of cases, but they're not "guaranteed" to work perfectly. The more profiles they provide, the more of such unrealistic demands they'll run into, sapping support resources that can go into real issues.

If you know enough to change a nozzle properly, you should be able to tweak a profile. Ask here and folks will be more than happy to give you a quick rundown on how to do it. Once you know, you can use any combination of layer height, nozzle size and material without being so wholly dependent on someone else.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 24/12/2018 7:27 am