how many printers on one raspberry pi 4
I have a pris 4 connectes to one purse mk3s but I want to know how may printers can drive a pi 4 ?
is octoprint multiple instance better or repeater ? witch can handle multiple printers natively
thanks 🙂
MK3S and Mini print farm
RE: how many printers on one raspberry pi 4
I can't edit my post sorry
I have 4 PRUSA and want to connected it to a PI 4 🙂
MK3S and Mini print farm
RE: how many printers on one raspberry pi 4
I know you can do more than one, but I typically keep it to one per Pi.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: how many printers on one raspberry pi 4
This may be useful:
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: how many printers on one raspberry pi 4
thanks, I will test Repetier I think it is the best option to drive multiple printers
but I like the octoprint interface 🙂
maybe prusa connect will resolve this problem soon ? 🙂
MK3S and Mini print farm
RE: how many printers on one raspberry pi 4
If that is what you need, then that is probably best.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: how many printers on one raspberry pi 4
You certainly can run more than one instance of OctoPrint on a Pi but given the price the price of a Pi why would you bother?
RE: how many printers on one raspberry pi 4
It would be nice to have a suitable and capable filament manager that is stable on the same pi managing the filament across all PIs connected. Currently, the best option is a single PI.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: how many printers on one raspberry pi 4
thanks for your answers
i have a pi zero per printer currently (3 minis et 1 mk3s), in fact it is affordable.
but I also have a pi4 for dev purposes (a web interface in Django) and I asked myself about 1 pi for multiple printers as a pi zero is 'just enough' as cpu to run octoprint. it works, but it's 'limit' 🙂
MK3S and Mini print farm
RE: how many printers on one raspberry pi 4
Chris Riley has some great videos on this:
Then you can centrally manage the instances with Octofarm.
Here is one he just did on this topic, but search his channel for more on Ocotprint.
RE: how many printers on one raspberry pi 4
wow cool, thanks.
I'll check it now, looks like very nice
MK3S and Mini print farm
RE: how many printers on one raspberry pi 4
I am glad I did not wait for the Prusa Farm Software.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: how many printers on one raspberry pi 4
I am glad I did not wait for the Prusa Farm Software.
Same for me ! curious to see it and I think it will be a nice and productive solution !
MK3S and Mini print farm