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Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping  

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Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

I can't go up to root (Drive root \ )

based on the config you posted i have no idea why you cannot.

can you attach the config file to a post so i can open it?

I have post the config here:

edit your network info out and please attach the text file. I am guessing there is a hidden character that is causing the issue.

Posted : 25/04/2018 7:03 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

I have two issues:
1) I can connect fine, but only to folders inside of the drive, never to the root, which fails. (Like the user above)

UPDIR=/file <-- means that File is as far as you will be able to get, if you want root this is what you would edit to instead UPDIR=/

Secondly, the drive looks find in on my local machine, but through the network the size and data usage are wrong:

are you mounting both drives in the computer at the same time? if so, you are doing it wrong.

you can go back a couple of pages and see all the grief a couple of other people were experiencing doing the same thing, but you need a device (non computer, like a camera or hey... a 3d printer) and a computer.

what you are doing is causing device locks. wifi locks are different than OS locks. so whatever you see will be wrong, will act wrong.
when it is plugged into the computer, only use the card slot, when it is not in the computer use wifi.

Posted : 25/04/2018 7:31 am
Eminent Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

Haha thanks,

UPDIR=/ --> This is what I tried to access root, but it refuses to connect. It works fine with a subdirectory though, currently /file

This is connected while the card is installed in my MK3, looking at the card through the network on my windows 10 machine. (16GB card)

Posted : 25/04/2018 9:55 pm
Pat Niemeyer
Trusted Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

So, I've followed the setup instructions in this thread and have been able to get my W-04 16GB card working such that I can upload a small file or two successfully, however I'm seeing two issues:

1) If I try to upload a file larger than a few megs the card seems to crash/go offline. It stops responding on the network and also shows no files when I list them on the MK3 print menu at that point. Removing / re-inserting restarts the card but the large file was not transferred.

2) The MK3 does not seem to show new files transferred to the card under some circumstances. Resetting the MK3 allows them to show up ... I guess doing a reset isn't a big deal but is this necessary for the rest of you or do new files appear properly?

I believe my settings are correct and I have enabled "FlashAir" on the MK3 menu and even updated my firmware to 4.002. I also reformatted the card to FAT32 (and set it up again after that). Still having the issues above.


Posted : 26/04/2018 5:53 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

So, I've followed the setup instructions in this thread and have been able to get my W-04 16GB card working such that I can upload a small file or two successfully, however I'm seeing two issues:

1) If I try to upload a file larger than a few megs the card seems to crash/go offline. It stops responding on the network and also shows no files when I list them on the MK3 print menu at that point. Removing / re-inserting restarts the card but the large file was not transferred.

2) The MK3 does not seem to show new files transferred to the card under some circumstances. Resetting the MK3 allows them to show up ... I guess doing a reset isn't a big deal but is this necessary for the rest of you or do new files appear properly?

I believe my settings are correct and I have enabled "FlashAir" on the MK3 menu and even updated my firmware to 4.002. I also reformatted the card to FAT32 (and set it up again after that). Still having the issues above.


How far is your printer from your router?
Do you have Noise setting IE. NOISE_CANCEL=2 ? This will greatly shorten your range. but it helps with noisy connections.

Depending on your setup, I could see a weak signal from a far away (greater than 30') might cause the card to time out.

i am not experiencing either of these issues.

Posted : 26/04/2018 8:59 am
Pat Niemeyer
Trusted Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

So, I've followed the setup instructions in this thread and have been able to get my W-04 16GB card working such that I can upload a small file or two successfully, however I'm seeing two issues:

Just wanted to follow up and say I did eventually get the card working and I'm really enjoying not having to swap SD cards any more. The issues / fixes for me were:
1) I am careful to always mount the card, copy the file, and then unmount the card. I don't know for sure that this is necessary but my problems mostly went away when I started doing this.
2) I realized that the file modification times are useless and started ignoring them. Often the latest file appears at the top of the list in the MK3, but if not I scroll down to find it.
3) I can't reliably delete files over wifi reliably... unless maybe I do them one at a time slowly.

Aside from the above it has worked perfectly for me and was well worth the price and pain of setup.

Posted : 22/05/2018 6:53 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

Date Sort does not work with FlashAir SD card. When a file is save over the WIFI to the FlashAir the order appears to be random. I believe the reason might be that the "Date Created" field appear blank when viewed from Windows 10. The "date Modified" and "date last save" fields are OK. If the sort is sorting "date created" this would explain it and a easy fix would be to use "date Modified" or "date last save".

I post it on github

Posted : 24/06/2018 5:50 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

Yes, i noticed that, too. I guess that reason might be also because arduino calculates file order only when SD card is inserted. Since Wifi card is always presesnt this calculation never happens...

Posted : 24/06/2018 6:00 pm
Martin Wolfe
Reputable Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

If you have it plugged into the computer for initial setup. You can just use windows to eject it to dismount the volume on the card and leave it in the slot to connect via wifi to confirm you have every thing correct before permanently moving it to your printer.


Martin Wolfe

Posted : 24/06/2018 6:30 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

Sorry, I do not understand your comment.

The card work fantastic for transfers. I have it mounted as a network drive. Only the create date is blank. I have confirmed the create date before saving to SD card but the field is blank after transfer.

Thanks for trying to help

PS - But "date Modified" and "date last save" are both good

Posted : 24/06/2018 7:00 pm
Active Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

I've spent two days trying to set up the FlashAir and cannot get it to show up on my network. I've gone over the configuration until I'm cross-eyed, and can't see any problems with it. I am wondering about the Mastercode, however. Toshiba provides the Mastercode as a 12-digit number. My WiFi router, however, insists that the MAC address (aka Mastercode) be entered in the xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx format. Could this be the reason the router refuses to see the FlashAir?

Any suggestions much appreciated. At this point, I'm ready to just write it off to experience.

Posted : 12/07/2018 4:19 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

My suggestion is to get the card as close as possible to your router. The signal strength on mine is MUCH lower than any other devices in my house, and it only works at about half the distance. I have two devices in the same room, and my access point reports the Flashair receive strength at 15 dB lower than the other device.

Posted : 12/07/2018 4:32 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

[...] Toshiba provides the Mastercode as a 12-digit number. My WiFi router, however, insists that the MAC address (aka Mastercode) be entered in the xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx format. Could this be the reason the router refuses to see the FlashAir?
Are you referring to getting assigning a fixed DHCP lease on your router?

Is the FlashAir card getting a DHCP lease from your router? If so, try referencing it by name (e.g. "ping flashair"). Many routers create dynamic DNS entries for DHCP leases, so you don't need to reserve an IP address. If you are on a Mac, or on Windows with Bonjour services, try the .local domain (e.g. ping "flashair.local").

Once I got mine setup properly, I can mount is as a WebDAV server at http://flashair.local .

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 12/07/2018 4:38 pm
Active Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

Is the FlashAir card getting a DHCP lease from your router?

I'm trying to assign a static IP to the FlashAir, but I can't get the router to see the it at all. I even tried manually entering the Mastercode into the router's table of allowed MAC addresses (using the xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx format it insists on), but no joy.

This is all with the FlashAir sitting inches from the router, so I'd be surprised if it's a signal strength issue.

I suppose I can't rule out the possibility that the FlashAir is defective.

Posted : 12/07/2018 6:08 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

Which IP address? From my experience it can cope only with 168.0.x.x or 168.1.x.x. It's hard coded in the card.

Posted : 12/07/2018 6:29 pm
Active Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

Which IP address? From my experience it can cope only with 168.0.x.x or 168.1.x.x. It's hard coded in the card.

Well, isn't that special . . . 🙄

I'm not going to reconfigure my whole network just to accommodate the FlashAir, so looks like it's going into the bin.

Posted : 12/07/2018 6:35 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

Which IP address? From my experience it can cope only with 168.0.x.x or 168.1.x.x. It's hard coded in the card.

My W-04 connected to my 10.x.x.x network with no issues.

I have two W-03 cards and they work with no problems on 10.0.0.x network with fixed IP.

I'm using mine on a 192.168.1.x network, but others have apparently been able to use them at least on a 10.x.x.x network.

Posted : 12/07/2018 7:08 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

Which IP address? From my experience it can cope only with 168.0.x.x or 168.1.x.x. It's hard coded in the card.

Well, isn't that special . . . 🙄

I'm not going to reconfigure my whole network just to accommodate the FlashAir, so looks like it's going into the bin.

That's definitely not the case. I currently have mine on a 10.0.10.x network, and before that I used it on a 192.168.x.x schema.

- My MK3 Power Supply and Pwr Mgmt Upgrade
- My MK3 Camera Bed Mount Arm
Posted : 12/07/2018 7:54 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

I've spent two days trying to set up the FlashAir and cannot get it to show up on my network. I've gone over the configuration until I'm cross-eyed, and can't see any problems with it. I am wondering about the Mastercode, however. Toshiba provides the Mastercode as a 12-digit number. My WiFi router, however, insists that the MAC address (aka Mastercode) be entered in the xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx format. Could this be the reason the router refuses to see the FlashAir?

Any suggestions much appreciated. At this point, I'm ready to just write it off to experience.

Have you tired any LAN or WiFi scanning utilities to see if you can see the Flashair in any capacity? There are a ton of free ones out there that may give you more insight into what's going on if they can see the FlashAir (even though your router does not).

- My MK3 Power Supply and Pwr Mgmt Upgrade
- My MK3 Camera Bed Mount Arm
Posted : 12/07/2018 7:58 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Flashair Wifi SD card setup and drive mapping

Well, isn't that special . . . 🙄

I'm not going to reconfigure my whole network just to accommodate the FlashAir, so looks like it's going into the bin.
Oh jeez. No, you don't have to do any such thing. I've got my FlashAir happily connecting to my network via DHCP. Here's what my /SDWLAN/CONFIG file looks like:





The card gets a DHCP address from my router without issues:

I can ping it by name (via Bonjour on Mac):

I don't see any connection between the configuration and the MAC address used to obtain the DHCP lease, but now that it has one, I could easily set up a fixed DHCP reservation for that MAC address.

All that said, I found it a pain to use, so am just using it as an overpriced 16GB SD card and am back to sneakernet. There were just too many quirks to using it over the network reliably.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 12/07/2018 9:02 pm
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