FAQ? Basic installation and setup documentation for using RPI Zero 2 W and Octoprint in a mks3+
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FAQ? Basic installation and setup documentation for using RPI Zero 2 W and Octoprint in a mks3+  

Eminent Member
FAQ? Basic installation and setup documentation for using RPI Zero 2 W and Octoprint in a mks3+

Sorry, this has to be a FAQ, but I can't find an answer.

Got a link to a writeup, manual, description, or similar thing on how to install a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W into my MKS3+ and get octoprint working?
I've got the RPI, flashed the software on it. I know that the RPI physically mounts into the printer, but I don't know where. And I don't have any idea
of any details, like do I need a header for the 40 pins of GPIO?


Veröffentlicht : 13/12/2023 4:38 am
Estimable Member
RE: FAQ? Basic installation and setup documentation for using RPI Zero 2 W and Octoprint in a mks3+

You don't need/want all 40 pins, just 5.  The RPi mounts on the back of the electronics enclosure (you have to remove the break-away panel).

You can find more details in these locations:


Veröffentlicht : 13/12/2023 6:17 pm