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Extruder not feeding under Octoprint...OK from SD card
When I print from octoprint, the extruder seems to only be extruding 5% or 10% of the normal amount of filament.
- When I print a file from SD card it prints well.
- When I print there same file from Octoprint there is barely any plastic being extruded. The travel motions all seem fine, but very little seems to be coming if a "Dry Run". (But some does come out, just not much.)
Any thoughts on what is likely to be causing this?
I am new to Octoprint, so it could bee something really simple (and stupid on my part.)
Postato : 27/03/2020 7:28 pm
RE: Extruder not feeding under Octoprint...OK from SD card
What are you running OctoPrint on? Have you searched over on the OctoPrint forums to see if its a common issue?
Is your printer grinding? Bearings squeaking? Motors smoking?
Step 1) Wash your Steel Sheet
Step 2) Return to Step 1
Postato : 28/03/2020 2:27 am
RE: Extruder not feeding under Octoprint...OK from SD card
@seattledave Are you using the same gcode in both cases? Ditto what nilok asked.
BTW I read your spat with Bob on another thread, so if you're unhappy with my question/advise, then disregard as I have no interest in your opinions of my speeling or punctuation*
Postato : 28/03/2020 3:43 pm