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Dual extrusion and 32-bit: is it possible on mk3s?  

Active Member
Dual extrusion and 32-bit: is it possible on mk3s?

I start by saying that I know quite nothing relatively to electronics, so don't flame me.

I recently bought a mk3s kit ad built it, few prints later I had to use supports and now I am wondering if I can upgrade it to a double extruder (proforge dual switching estruder type) to be able to print materials with different Temperature requirements.

i fonund out that proforge needs a 32 bit motherboard, and here comes my question:

is it possible to upgrade my mk3s to 32-bit using a "buddy" (prusa mini motherboard)?

if so, how can I? is it a crazi task? in case I couldn't, is there a way to use a double extruder with the actual configuration?




Respondido : 23/01/2020 2:40 pm
Noble Member
RE: Dual extrusion and 32-bit: is it possible on mk3s?
Posted by: @vittorio393

I start by saying that I know quite nothing relatively to electronics, so don't flame me.

Given this statement I believe the answer to your overall question is: No.

At the end of the day anything is possible, but this project will take a bunch of electrical work, coding firmware changes, modeling a new X-axis, and tweaks to your slicer of choice (to the config at the least).

If you want to support multi-material printing with the Prusa, then you should look into the MMU. It is not without frustration, however, and really shouldn't be used by anyone that isn't prepared for and capable of all the tweaking and testing it will take to get it operating smoothly in your set up.

Another option (though generally not viewed as capable when you are talking about mixing material types) is the Palette. It is significantly more expensive than the MMU, but it is easier to get up and running.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Respondido : 06/02/2020 3:54 pm