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Dual extruders  

Estimable Member
Dual extruders

Has anyone successfully added a second extruder to the Mk3S?

Senior Life member of IEEE.

Postato : 02/05/2019 2:02 pm
New Member
RE: Dual extruders

Did you learn how to do this? I also need this application. I need to modify my Mk3s to have two independent extruders. I'm going to change both of them to universal syringe extruders, allowing me to print two different types of chocolate simultaneously. I already made the promise that i could do it, haha, so i could use some help getting started:D

Postato : 13/05/2019 4:05 pm
Peter L
Honorable Member
RE: Dual extruders
Posted by: pingerco

Did you learn how to do this? I also need this application. I need to modify my Mk3s to have two independent extruders. I'm going to change both of them to universal syringe extruders, allowing me to print two different types of chocolate simultaneously. I already made the promise that i could do it, haha, so i could use some help getting started:D

Independent Dual Extruders (IDEX) are available on a couple 3D printers if you're willing to plunk down close to $2K. Take a look at the Vivedino T-Rex.

I'm not aware of anyone who has modified a Prusa for IDEX. It's a major undertaking and you'll need to get deep into the weeds. In addition to finding a way to mount a second X-axis stepper and extruder, you'll also need to replace the controller board with one that supports an additional stepper, compile custom firmware, and find a slicer that will generate IDEX gcode.

It can probably be done, eventually. But there's no guidebook and you'll have to figure it all out on your own. Good luck!

Postato : 15/05/2019 3:51 pm