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Dragon Hotend Biggest Flaw??  

Active Member
Dragon Hotend Biggest Flaw??

Hi! Just recently bought the Dragon Hotend for my mk3s+ and I noticed the heater block + Silicone Socks are blocking flowing of the air directed to the nozzle tip. See the attached picture. 

The Enormouse big heater block is larger than stock prusa E3D V6, thus the air cooling is not aimed to the nozzle tip

anyone have suggestion of new fan design that aiming to the tip?

Posted : 21/03/2022 11:17 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Dragon Hotend Biggest Flaw??

I don't use the silicon sock. I have the dragon on all four of my Mk3S+s and minis and haven't seen any cooling issues. I have also tried several "improved" fan designs for the Mk3S+. I'm happy to believe that they might be better under some fringe circumstances  but none has shown me any persistent improvements, some were in fact inferior, so it's back to stock on both my Mk3S printers. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 21/03/2022 5:33 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Dragon Hotend Biggest Flaw??

The E3D hotend on the stock Prusa's do not come with a Si sock.  Therefore the fan shroud is not sock friendly.   There are fan shrouds available that have been adjusted to be sock friendly.  Look in the Prints section.  I tweaked the original myself and posted it here.  Notice in the pics the blue Si sock.  That's an E3D sock on a Phaetus dragon heater block. 

The Phaetus aluminum block envelope is dimensionally the same, 16 x 23 x 11.5mm.  There are several vendors that sell the dragon and may deviate from those dims.  I did find that the orange sock that comes with the Dragon is a bit larger than the blue E3D one, hence the reason my dragon has the E3D sock installed.  The nozzle hole is not in the same location between the hotends but the sock stretches fine without much fuss.  If you notice in the pictures of my fan shroud, I use a wooden dowel (from a cotton swab) wrapped in kapton tape to wedge between shroud and sock to keep it snapped in place in the front.

Posted : 21/03/2022 5:59 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Dragon Hotend Biggest Flaw??

Thank you for your design! 
so if i want to use your design i have to use the wood dowel with kapton tape too?

Posted by: @livius

The E3D hotend on the stock Prusa's do not come with a Si sock.  Therefore the fan shroud is not sock friendly.   There are fan shrouds available that have been adjusted to be sock friendly.  Look in the Prints section.  I tweaked the original myself and posted it here.  Notice in the pics the blue Si sock.  That's an E3D sock on a Phaetus dragon heater block. 

The Phaetus aluminum block envelope is dimensionally the same, 16 x 23 x 11.5mm.  There are several vendors that sell the dragon and may deviate from those dims.  I did find that the orange sock that comes with the Dragon is a bit larger than the blue E3D one, hence the reason my dragon has the E3D sock installed.  The nozzle hole is not in the same location between the hotends but the sock stretches fine without much fuss.  If you notice in the pictures of my fan shroud, I use a wooden dowel (from a cotton swab) wrapped in kapton tape to wedge between shroud and sock to keep it snapped in place in the front.


Posted : 21/03/2022 8:11 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Dragon Hotend Biggest Flaw??

The wood dowel is just something I do to hold the E3D socks on the dragon block securely, cuz I have a lot of them and don't want to throw them out.   The dowel is not a requirement in order to use the shroud.  

Posted : 21/03/2022 8:57 pm