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Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure  

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Eminent Member
Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

Hi Guys and Girls,

So now I finally got the plexyglass and have my Lack enclosure built and ready to print ABS.

Has anyone had problems with the enclosure creating random crash detection (no actual crashes), I never had it when I was printing without an enclosure and that included ABS. The temp today (it is hot here this afternoon, but that will not last) inside the closed enclosure is between 40-42C. Is this the reason, and should there be vents in it to allow excessive heat to escape? A lot of users seem to have made this Lack build so it must be something noticed before?

I am currently running it with doors slightly open to keep the temp to about 35c not sure yet if it has cured it, hard to prove a negative but will be printing more on Monday and see


Posted : 31/07/2020 2:45 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

Quick update I looked at the stats after the last print of the day was complete and they are all Y crashes!

Posted : 31/07/2020 3:58 pm
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

After moving a printer do a z-calibration.

Clean all rods, clean all rods and put oil on rods.(every few rolls you need to do this).

Check if the y -axis, the bed is not hitting the back of the enclosure, the cable can hit something.

Check if you move the y bed by hand without power if goes smoothly.

This post was modified 5 years ago by Peter M
Posted : 01/08/2020 9:36 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

So I am back at work, and I printed a 60deg bed wire cover to be certain that the y-axis is not hitting anything. This it printed without errors, rebuilt the bed and did a XYZ cal and reset the Z offset. Then started a panel print. This print is maximum in the x-axis when using 3 layer brim. First layer printed ok, but almost all other layers it does an auto home when starting the layer where it draws the same circles for holes in the panel, then picks up where it stopped. Again these are Y-axis crash detentions.

All rods are clean and move freely

Posted : 03/08/2020 4:07 pm
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

Does the nozzle hit something, like filament from earlier layer?

Check the extruder if parts are loose of the extruder, move with your hand the extruder up and down, to see if the extruder has too much play,

check bolts at the back of extruder.

And check the belts on y-axis again.

Do print a few different parts on different places on the bed.

Posted : 03/08/2020 6:25 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

Hi and thanks for the input,

There are no obstructions, and it can print all other parts, the extruder is rock solid, belts are tight/have not loosened, I have not tried printing further up or down the bed, it will not fit at 90deg or anyway left or right. I have attached a video of it happily printing until it gets to the hole perimeter after perfectly doing one a couple of cms before it and others after it once it auto homes (twice)


Posted : 04/08/2020 10:12 am
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

Belt y-axis to tight?

Check all bolts of the y-axis?

If you print slower, what happens then.

You can disable the detection of crash or print in silent mode, then the printer will not stop, but this is not the solution.


Posted : 04/08/2020 1:20 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

I have loosened the Y axis and checked bolts, I am able to squeeze the belt together without much pressure but still solid against a locked Y motor. I have now rotated the print 180 so the hole is on the other side of the print and it still does an auto home when it attempts to print the perimeter of the hole starting on the 3rd layer (0.6mm) all the way until the hole is no longer printed. Then at layer 19 (3.8mm) it start homing on all four outer holes. This is so strange. I have printed variants of this panel a number of times in PLA, this is the first time in ABS as I have the enclosure. However I have printed a lot more complex panels in ABS. This is the only one so far that is causing an issue. As you see, it is quite capable of printing the complex gyroid fill. I am about to try reducing the speed of the external and small perimeters to 25/15 mms see if this helps. Something to do with the filament now being pulled through the hole in the top of the enclosure vs the diameter size of the holes?

I have attached some photos


Also not above, why is it not able to print the whole plate on the left side, the supports are compressed? They print to the edge on the right and Prusa slicer does not give a size error.

Note above the four mounting holes are countersunk so the hole gets larger as the print goes on.

I am trying more prints


This post was modified 5 years ago by Jessica
Posted : 05/08/2020 10:49 am
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

Left side print, check if your x axis can go all the way left and to the wright, and look at the back of the extruder if there are cables or other hardware on the wrong place. There is only a little room at the back of extruder, if the x-axis can not go all the way you possible missing a little in x-axis size. The xyz calibration could correct this if you find something that is wrong.

For you hole problem, I think you should ask prusa help desk.


Posted : 05/08/2020 3:56 pm
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

On the forum I read, it could also be a motor that is getting to hot, because you had before no problems without enclosure.

You could try to low extra air in the enclosure, or make a temporary cooling fan to point on the y-axis motor, to test if it is gone.

Posted : 05/08/2020 7:28 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

Ok folks, thanks for all the help. I think some of it may be my fault. Just before putting the printer in the enclosure I had a major blockage in the ptfe tube with some bronze fill PLA and had to take the extruder apart to remove it. I seemed to had put the extruder fan back the wrong way round. This meant the screws protruded too far from the block and caused it not to be able to zero in the X correctly hence not being able to print full bed. So I am not sure how this can effect the Y axis crashes and printing now to see if it does and cures my problems.

However I have a couple of other issues best put on another thread, but will report back later if this problem has been solved

Thanks again for help and if anyone can explain the effects of the fan being reversed it would be helpful

Posted : 06/08/2020 10:41 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

I have been trying to solve the original problem (fake y crash detections) with help from the help desk. My X axis belt was a little tight, Y was correct so that was adjusted. With all the things I have done I am now getting better (still a few crash detections) results. It still has the odd crash, and more than anything I think it is temperature related. My ABS is at 245C and closed enclosure getting the air temp to 40-42C. Whereas, my PLA is 225C and an open enclosure that today with a ambient temp in the upper 20's is about 30C and I am not getting any problems. I will live with it as it does not effect my prints.

Thanks for the help

Posted : 11/08/2020 10:49 am
Eminent Member
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

I am having this same issue. Validated my belts are in the proper ranges, the print doesn’t have anything sticking up and hitting the nozzle, and the enclosure is only 33C. I tried making the X belt a little more loose according to the posts above but that didn’t seem to help. 

All of my crashes are Y. I validated the bed isn’t hitting anything. In fact, if I disable crash detection I am getting some of the best ASA prints I have ever had. 

Posted : 08/11/2020 7:23 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

When printing solid layers of infill over sparse infill, as in this case, the edges of the solid layer are unsupported and will curl upwards due to the nature of the cooling airflow.  Try turning off the print fan for these layers, or use modifiers to increase sparse infill to some lower percentage.  In extreme cases you'll see me hovering over a print with a spatula pressing down the bad curls just to get through a print. So no, I don't have a works-for-all-cases formula.

ps: I haven't tried different slicers, but perhaps Cura or Simplify3d will do better in this case.

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by --
Posted : 08/11/2020 7:39 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

I have never solved this problem, there are no real crashes and it works giving super results, with crash detection turned off.  So now it is off and I can happily leave my print going over night and be certain it is ready by the morning and not stopped due to the phantom crashes. 
Had I said the “crashes” only occur when printing around small circular holes


Posted : 08/11/2020 9:04 pm
Active Member
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

Hello Jessica,

I had exactly the same problem when i put my MK3S in an enclosure. As you, I tried to adjust the belts, whithout success. After some researchs, I finaly found the solution in this post:

This is the Mordiev's answer:

There are two main reasons for frequent “crash detected” messages.  #1 mechanical issue.  #2 hot stepper drivers (Control board).  Mechanical issues are more common.  Bearings, lube, belts rods etc..  but if none of those are the issue then add a 5 volt 30 mm fan inside the case to cool the small chips on the control board.  The ones near where the stepper wires plug in.  Cooling them off will stop them from thinking there is a Fake crash.

If you look at the EinsyRambo motherboard, there is a 5V connector free where you can easyly attach a mini fan:

For the fan, it's easy to find one. I used these keywords to find mine: "arduino 5v mini fan"

The connector whas not adapted for the motherbord. I had to tinker with it a bit to make it fit. I placed the fan in the box with the motherboard, witout screws, between cables. Now everything works pefectly, without crashes, even at 40 degres.

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Kylian
Posted : 23/11/2020 6:03 pm
Noble Member
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure


thanks for that Kylian, like you jessica, I have Y crash when inside enclosure only.

If I follow you Kylian, cooling these parts (the smal chips)  would be the solution, I like it. Why not with a passive heat sink like this one :

3 /4 eur for 10 adhesive heat sink, just need to put them.

It's worth a try !

edit :  and some other bigger heat sink on the motor itself (after reading the topic in your link)

MK3S & Fusion 360

Posted : 23/11/2020 9:30 pm
Print My World
Eminent Member
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

@flo heat sinks go on the non component side

Posted : 23/11/2020 11:43 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

Hi and thanks for the input,

There are no obstructions, and it can print all other parts, the extruder is rock solid, belts are tight/have not loosened, I have not tried printing further up or down the bed, it will not fit at 90deg or anyway left or right. I have attached a video of it happily printing until it gets to the hole perimeter after perfectly doing one a couple of cms before it and others after it once it auto homes (twice)


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 24/11/2020 1:49 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Crash detections now I have the printer in an enclosure

I have no idea what happened here, I went to edit the Video title so that it would display as a hyperlink, and ended up becomming the Author of the post...    Not sure how that happened...       

This is Jessica's post... 
Hi and thanks for the input,

There are no obstructions, and it can print all other parts, the extruder is rock solid, belts are tight/have not loosened, I have not tried printing further up or down the bed, it will not fit at 90deg or anyway left or right. I have attached a video of it happily printing until it gets to the hole perimeter after perfectly doing one a couple of cms before it and others after it once it auto homes (twice)


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 24/11/2020 1:54 am
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