Bondtech LGX w/ Shortcut Mosquito, First Layer and Temp Issues causing layers to reheat.
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Bondtech LGX w/ Shortcut Mosquito, First Layer and Temp Issues causing layers to reheat.  

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Bondtech LGX w/ Shortcut Mosquito, First Layer and Temp Issues causing layers to reheat.

Hey everyone, this is my first time posting to the forums, so hello! I was wondering if anyone had some settings or tips on how to deal with the excess heat from the Shortcut Mosquito hotend. As you can see in my photos, the layers begin to peel, I have isolated the issue to a temperature one. Each time the nozzle revisits an area on the print, the heat is so intense that it ends up remelting the layers underneath causing large blobs to form near the corners, and eventually, the nozzle catches it and pulls it off the build plate.

I came to this conclusion after sufficiently calibrating the extrusion multiplier and the live z-axis. I have also done a temperature tower, one which displayed similar issues having built up and flared up corners, even at lower temperatures. Regardless of my temperature settings, this issue still occurs. I have tested the various temperatures on the heating tower in multiple prints and there has been little positive effect. I do not believe it is a bed-level issue as the print is fairly flat and level for the first 2-3 layers. I have also tried a brim and supports, but neither generally helps because of the extra heat. I have also confirmed that the print fan works and does output air onto the print surface.

To help mitigate the issue I plan on installing a silicone sock around the hotend to help with temperature insulation of the hotend, but I am wondering if anyone else has any advice or settings I can try to get this setup working as it should regardless of silicone sock application. On large-scale models, this issue is irrelevant as there is enough space to allow adequate layer cooling, but on smaller models like the one I am trying to print, it feels impossible to get any successful print. This carried over to a test benchy, where once I reached the smoke stack portion, the entire thing began to melt.

This is the model I am aiming to print currently that is causing the issues:

Thank you in advance for reading my post and any advice you may offer!

This topic was modified před 1 year by GRIFST3R
Napsal : 29/12/2022 11:07 pm