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BNBSX & MMU2S - Filament Loading  

New Member
BNBSX & MMU2S - Filament Loading

I recently replaced my stock prusa extruder with a BNBSX extruder, the problem I'm running into is during the MMU loading sequence, it tries to load the filament too far (since the distance between the bondtech gears and the nozzle is shorter) and then backs off a little too far causing the filament to become completely unloaded.

From what I can see this is a problem when using the MMU Single profile in PrusaSlicer since it uses the 'T?' GCODE which has a custom chunk of code in 'mmu.cpp' so the distances are hard coded but I can't seem to figure out how to modify them to work correctly.

There was no mention of custom firmware being needed anywhere on the BNBSX pages on thingiverse or on the dozuwiki article...

Napsal : 14/08/2021 10:05 pm