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Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?  

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Trusted Member
Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?

Hi ! There's a best way to connect my mk3s+ to pc for send sliced model directly ? SD it's a waste of time XD

Posted : 20/01/2023 4:25 pm
Active Member
RE: Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?

I'm very happy with Octoprint.

It requires a bit of work and extra hardware, but I think it's well worth the effort.

Posted : 20/01/2023 4:49 pm
Extra Fox
Reputable Member

I'd agree, although I'm certain there are other solutions out there that I haven't tried, I've liked OctoPrint enough that I haven't bothered with anything else.


Posted : 20/01/2023 5:12 pm
Noble Member

There are several choices, Octoprint being the easiest and cheapest to implement. Also there is Klipper and Duet (and probably 20 more that I don't know about).

Note. I dithered so long the 2 posts above trumped me.

This post was modified 2 years ago by towlerg
Posted : 20/01/2023 5:22 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?

Tnx to all 😀 ! What raspberry recommend to me? I only use it for stop printer and send stl 😂 

i Also see this

Posted : 20/01/2023 5:34 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?

TL;DR: Use Octoprint.

I have used Octoprint, AstroPrint, and PrusaConnect. In addition to directly wiring a Pi to the Mk3S as outlined in the article the OP linked to, you can also simply connect it by USB cable, the same way as a Pi running OctoPrint.

Octoprint works. It's not hard to set up, is well supported, and has good extensibility. I personally didn't care for the UI. Astroprint was sort of an Octoprint clone, with a UI and queue management capabilities I preferred but since they got bought out, all development has come to a halt and I consider it an abandoned product. I've been playing with PrusaConnect lately. Easy to set up, straightforward UI, printer-independent cloud storage, nice farm/queue features. It is nice enough for me to stick with it — for now — but I'm not sure I would recommend it over Octoprint. Feels like the team working on it is way too small to create a viable competitor for Octoprint. There are (frequent) moments when I feel they should commit to it and resource it properly, or cut bait and move on. Meaningful updates come out way too infrequently. Many things I consider mere table stakes, like drag and drop queue sorting, file management in the PrusaConnect cloud component, are blatantly missing. A mind-numbing cacophony of beeps caused by some weird issue with the way they handle network connections is still not fixed, weeks after being reported. Camera support is in its very early stages (and at least for me, non-functional). And the Mini is not supported, even though they have something called PrusaLink, a web interface to the Mini but it is different from PrusaLink on the Mk3S and does not connect to the PrusaConnect webservice, so if you have a mixed environment, it's not a comprehensive farm management option. Honestly, I don't know why I'm still using it and haven't gone back to Octoprint. I guess it does what I need, sorta, and maybe I just like to be a guinea pig…


Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 20/01/2023 6:07 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?

Ok i go for octoprint 💪🏻 now it s to difficult find raspberry pi 🥲

Posted : 20/01/2023 6:13 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?

Since Raspberry Pis are still near impossible to get without going through a scalper (which I would discourage) you could check at alternatives like the Orange Pi.

Posted : 20/01/2023 6:45 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?

Another OctoPrint user here 🙂

One thing you do lose by using OctoPrint instead of SD card is the resume after power loss feature. But you gain so much in terms of flexibility that it's usually worth the trade-off. If you care about that, you can invest in a UPS although you need to do your research (as per my lurking in this forum it seems that the switchover from AC to backup power may trigger a power-loss in some UPS models). You may want to look into the mods section of this forum for related Octoprint / UPS topics.

In terms of SBC, I would recommend against using a Raspberry Pi Zero W as it's not powerful enough. I use a Pi 4, if you want to use a similar board in terms of processing power, I had good experiences with with Odroids from Hardkernel (Odroid C4 would be the closest - if you are in the US, Ameridroid has them in stock).

Posted : 22/01/2023 4:51 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?

Yes, you don’t get a power fail resume option.. but this will only work when the power comes immediately back on. A better solution is to get a UPS for short power outages. For longer outages, your bed & nozzle will cool too much and your print is likely ruined anyway. OctoPrint on the Pi4 4gig is very, very good. I still can’t get my head around a company like Prusa not providing the basic OctoPrint functionality. Even the Orange Pi’s are hard to get (the recommended AliExpress vendors don’t have any) and they are still very expensive in Canada. You can run it on any Linux box, so find some old outdated laptop, install Linux and run there.. On YouTube one of the guys did a good video of running a version on an older Android phone.. If you can find a 4-5 yr old android phone, you can get a USB splitter, power it up full time and install on that. Or likely an android/Linux tablet. 

Posted : 23/01/2023 12:33 am
Estimable Member
RE: Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?

I use a FlashAir SD WiFi card.

Once configured it looks looks an extra disk drive on my computer via WiFi to the network. I never have to mess with the SD card. Just load up the sliced gcode results from the computer to the FlashAir and it is ready to use.There is even a menu item on the Prusa to select the FlashAir compared to a normal SD card.




Posted : 23/01/2023 3:04 am
RandyM9 liked
Jack Murphy
Active Member
RE: Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?

I, too, used a Flashair for a number of years, but I have transitioned to Windows 11 (reluctantly), and the Flashair does not work with it. As you may know, Toshiba sold off the Flashair product to Kioxia, who has stated they will not update it to work with W11. I could find no alternative.

So, what I've done is buy a SD extender cable, plugged it into the Prusa slot and ran the female end over to my PC.near its SD card slot. I swap cards back and forth as needed. And yes, you have to power cycle the MK3S to wake up the card, since Prusa does not support hot swapping with extension cables (perhaps impossible, or maybe just lame).

I have just bought a Mini+, and it has a controller that runs very nice software, and uses USB sticks instead of the SD card. I wish Prusa would adapt that board to a MK3S. I would buy it in a minute.

Posted : 26/01/2023 4:10 am
Estimable Member
RE: Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?

I've bought this WiFi SD card adapter for my Anycubic Mono X.
It should be delivered tomorrow (finally !!) and I will test it with both my Prusa and Mono X and will come back with an update.

Having problems with bed adhesion every morning...

Posted : 26/01/2023 8:07 am
Estimable Member
RE: Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?


I "upgraded" to win11 from win10 and had no issues with the FlashAir card setup.

It just transferred seamlessly without any change in configuration.

Your issue might be with the card version or the drivers. If I remember correctly there was  two W versions from Toshiba (mine is a 64GB W-04) and there was a few versions of win drivers available too.  

Good luck with it.


Posted : 26/01/2023 3:28 pm
New Member
RE: Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?

Does someone know if the Raspberry pi models other than the zero are supported for Prusa connect/link?

If so I assume it would just connect by the USB the same as Octoprint?

E.g. Pi 2 model B OR Pi 3 model B.

Posted : 05/02/2023 12:09 am
Illustrious Member

I've run 3b and 4 over USB no problem. No need to futz with printer electronics. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 05/02/2023 12:15 am
New Member
RE: Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?

Is that with Prusa Connect/Link. That is what I was looking for. 

Posted : 05/02/2023 5:18 am
Estimable Member
RE: Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?

Wifi card was a no show and got a refund 😣
Ordered again from a different source, have to wait another month...

Having problems with bed adhesion every morning...

Posted : 05/02/2023 6:08 am
Estimable Member
RE: Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?

Ook deze keer een no-go ☹️ .
Deze keer wel communicatie met de verzender en het zou niet door de veiligheidscontroles geraken.

Having problems with bed adhesion every morning...

Posted : 03/03/2023 1:12 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Best way to wifi connect mk3s+ to pc ?

If you have a reliable wifi connection, you could use a raspberry pi zero or any old cheap raspberry pi to stream the serial port over wifi. Then put octoprint on a more powerful computer on your network and print remotely that way. It's a good option if you can't get your hands on a pi4 or don't want to waste it just for printing. Btw, you can also use a $3 esp8266 or esp32 for this but it's a bit more complicated to setup if you don't have experience with embedded devices. I use the pi zero because I also stream the camera feed and control a ws2812b strip with it.

Posted : 30/03/2023 7:14 pm
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