Best place to mount (small) camera
Would like to get people's experiences and preferences with where best to mount a small camera, like a Rasberry PI one. I have tried several options and frankly have not been too satisfied with any of them...
My primary purpose for a camera include mostly for monitoring (automatically with Obico/Spaghetti Detective and manually via remote stream to check on a print).
Secondarily, I may want to create "pretty" timelapses.
Please vote in poll and also add your specific experiences, color commentary, and recommendations if any for printable mounts.
- Mounted to fixed Prusa frame
- Mounted to Y-carriage
- Mounted to X-axis (typically to the X-axis stepper motor)
- Mounted to enclosure walls
- Mounted to enclosure ceiling
- Standalone (not connected directly to printer or enclosure) - e.g., on desk or table
I tried a camera for a few days because I could. I took a load of uninteresting, useless pictures. I removed it.
RE: Best place to mount (small) camera
I've been pretty happy with a Wyze cam mounted to the frame ( I have one for each of my printers. I also have x-axis mounted pi cams but I hardly ever use those. I don't care for time lapse movies, I use my cams for remote monitoring.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Best place to mount (small) camera
I've been pretty happy with a Wyze cam mounted to the frame ( I have one for each of my printers. I also have x-axis mounted pi cams but I hardly ever use those. I don't care for time lapse movies, I use my cams for remote monitoring.
In your experience, what makes a frame-mounted camera better for monitoring than an X-axis mounted one.
My challenge with frame-mounted cameras is that I have found that the optimal angle is height-related -- so if I am trying to monitor the current layer for accuracy or for spaghetti etc., then a frame-mounted camera that is correctly oriented for the lower layers, starts losing utility for high prints... which is why I was thinking of an X-axis camera whose height increases in tandem with the Z-axis increase.
But I am just trying to learn from others' experiences...
RE: Best place to mount (small) camera
This [1] works very well for me. I have a Logitech C615 camera that has a tripod screw mount. Bracket attaches to the unused screw of the Z-drive, so camera moves to always have the same orientation with the hot end.