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Best of Both Worlds E3D V6 Sock Mod  

Trusted Member
Best of Both Worlds E3D V6 Sock Mod

I really like the pro-style sock with the covered screw head, but even though I tie them to the heat block with wire, I still end up with tears in the silicone near the tip which seem to collect more filament than a bare tip does.  

I rummaged through the shed here and found an aluminum thin wall tube that is about the size of the recess inside the pro version sock where the nozzle would sit.   I sharpened the walls of the tube at the end and used it to perfectly cut out the center of the sock opening, so that it has enough clearance to allow the nozzle to stick through, while still covering the heater element bolt head.  

I know you can just cut these with a razor, but that leaves jagged edges that in my experience are more likely to get caught on something and cause more rips in the sock.   As you can see, this leaves a perfect hole.

Veröffentlicht : 07/07/2021 10:25 pm
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Best of Both Worlds E3D V6 Sock Mod

To tie the sock up and keep it from sagging over time, I use some old Radio Shack magnet wire that I had laying around in a box forever here.  Just loop it around the sock near the top of the heat block, and then twist the ends together until it's nice and snug. 

Veröffentlicht : 07/07/2021 10:28 pm
Eric E
My 5 pennies

Props on the cut-out.  Nice work.

Boo hiss on the wire.  You need to get hip to the M3-18 screw thing.  There is a screw/bolt thingie at the base of the jumble bumble cable thing at the back of the extruder.  Replace with an 18mm screw.  Put on the sock, then screw in the screw.  The sock ain't goin' nowhere after that.

No pic's for you, as my printer is in an enclosure, but if need be I can.  But, I  think if you  look-see around back, the wisdom will come to you in 5 seconds or less.  You will find the right screw in the spares bag from Prusa.

Personally, I moved to the nickel/copper heat block, and have fatigued of melted socks.  No more socks for me.


Don’t trust forum advice.

Veröffentlicht : 15/07/2021 1:17 am
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Thanks!

Thanks!   I'll have to check out that M3-18 screw mod.  Thanks for the heads up. 

Edit - I think I see the screw you're talking about in one of my pics above, looking up at the sock from below.  I see what you mean 🙂



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Veröffentlicht : 15/07/2021 1:37 am