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Auto shutdown
I'm running my mk3 using octoprint on a raspberry pi 3b + is there any way to execute a auto shut down after a print finishes
Napsal : 04/09/2018 6:51 pm
Re: Auto shutdown
You could if you use this plugin and proper hardware.
Napsal : 06/09/2018 9:47 pm
Re: Auto shutdown
This idea from a yt video is great, but I assume it requires to have raspi turn on all the time?
Is there any way, to turn on by command both printer and a raspberry pi?
I don't want to leave them turned on 24/7.
Napsal : 07/09/2018 8:22 am
Re: Auto shutdown
You can always go the zwave or zigbee routes or wifi outlets like tplink smart plug to control outlets directly.
Napsal : 08/09/2018 8:51 am