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270° Part Cooling Shroud  

Estimable Member
270° Part Cooling Shroud


So yesterday I finally caved in and made my own Part Cooling Shroud that would encircle the Nozzle by like 270° to also reach the back of a part which at times has been an issue for me.

270° SLA Fan Shroud

A lot of the geometry is based on the sub 170°, ABS one the i3 ships due to me not feeling like overhauling the whole setup just yet with obvious changes to the side areas allowing for airflow to get into the 270° area around the Nozzle.

The SLA Shroud seems to be holding against the heat being produced nearby and it appears to be doing its job to my satisfaction using a first test print ( see link above ) so yea... I'd be calling it a success =)

Veröffentlicht : 31/05/2020 12:13 pm
Active Member
RE: 270° Part Cooling Shroud

Would you mind sharing the STL? I've been printing and testing a bunch of shrouds, even the dual fan set up, in an attempt to try to improve the back side cooling for my mk3s.

Can you try printing and see if the top of the part pointing backwards has a perfectly flat top, or if it curls up. Thanks!

Veröffentlicht : 07/06/2020 6:09 am