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220v 200w silicone heater  

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220v 200w silicone heater

I am looking to upgrade my heated bed to a 220v 200w silicone heater, would the EinyRambo support this mod.

Should i run it through a SSR or a Mosfet.

Please Help,

Postato : 11/03/2019 4:10 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

Wow - if I had to ask such questions I'd not be attempting anything like this mod you are planning. Just too many things outside a simple answer can come back to haunt you; by haunt, I mean fires, electrocution, death, destruction, etc.

Seriously - for someone who knows what they are doing it would be trivial to make it work. But for someone who doesn't already understand, it is dangerous. And saying "use a H-valve" would be aiding and abetting a catastrophe.

Postato : 11/03/2019 7:39 pm
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

What he said. Don't mess with mains voltage unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing, which requires a decent understanding of electricity and circuits that would also answer your other questions. it's not forgiving if you make a mistake, to you, your printer, and perhaps even your house.

Postato : 11/03/2019 7:43 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

on the Duet wifi, i ran the heated bed without no extra ssr/mosfet... would the einsyrambo be on par in running the same silicone heat bed

Postato : 11/03/2019 8:24 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

lmao - sure, wire it up and turn it on and try it. But I'd stand back when I plugged it in. And when you're in the hospital afterwards, ask yourself why you thought doing such a stupid thing was a good idea.

Also - you might even qualify for the Darwin Award.

ps: Nazim - the fact you are asking rather naive questions prove you are not qualified to make the mod. Don't do it.

Postato : 11/03/2019 8:29 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

thanks for that!!!

what are the tolerances on the einsyrambo board
and would beefing up the mosfets from 5a to 10a and 15a to 20a make any difference

kind regards

Postato : 11/03/2019 8:47 pm
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

thanks for that!!!

what are the tolerances on the einsyrambo board
and would beefing up the mosfets from 5a to 10a and 15a to 20a make any difference

kind regards

You realize he was being sarcastic, right? If not, what part of "Don't do this" do you not understand?

Postato : 11/03/2019 8:53 pm
Eminent Member
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

the rambo does not supply mains voltage. there are two things that could happen if you wire it up to the rambo, it will do nothing or it will blow up in your face

Postato : 11/03/2019 8:54 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

At this point I am all for loading his gun and telling him which way to point it (always face the muzzle).

But I want a video camera nearby so we have something to show the next guy that asks this type of question.


A quick search would find the Einsy schematics ... but my last look at them showed one of the heater control devices (could have been a MOSFET) rated at 100A with an Ron around 1.8mohm ... so should not be a problem controlling 200 watts. The fuse was 15A if I recall, but could have been one of the 5A circuits. Just swap the 5A fuse fr 15A and all is good. Heck, even a 25A fuse is okay for the device, but the copper laminate and connectors may struggle at that high a current.

For Prusa's sake: I want to be 1000% clear I am being SARCASTIC and stand behind my DO NOT TRY THIS.

Postato : 11/03/2019 9:10 pm
Eminent Member
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

But I want a video camera nearby so we have something to show the next guy that asks this type of question.

i agree

Postato : 11/03/2019 9:12 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

so you guys would not be able to provide technical support.

Would any one else, this is always being done with the ramps(a much cheaper board, as well as anet)

Is any one able to assist with technical support. on this matter. i am sure the einsy is much better than the ramps....

LOL: i take the poeple who have commented so far, have never looked into anything on a technical level and brought the tool because it works out of the box

you guys so far must be consumers rather prosumers

Postato : 11/03/2019 9:45 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

This is a Prusa forum, not a suicide forum. For Einsy matters, I suggest github (that's where I found Einsy schematics), or the folks that manufactured the Einsy you purchased (they also would be the best place for getting application support).

As for technical support? Ask a technical question and I'd be happy to answer it. For example, here's the heater control output drivers on the Einsy: ask away. Though anyone with even prosumer knowledge of electronics should quickly be able to answer your questions.

Postato : 11/03/2019 9:50 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

Can i replace the 15a fuse with a 20a fuse on the einsy rambo, would the heater work then, or
what fuses are recommended

Postato : 11/03/2019 9:59 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

Yes, you can replace the fuses with any value fuse that fits the socket.

The fuses that come with the Einsy are the recommended values.

oops: I missed the heater part. Well, whether it would work, or not, depends on many factors. I need more technical detail of the heater and how it would be powered before I could say.

Postato : 11/03/2019 10:03 pm
Eminent Member
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

just make sure that everything is connected properly. i have experience being bitten by 120 volts and it hurts so be careful

Postato : 11/03/2019 10:08 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

These sorts of things get me to pondering what the world would be like had Edison won the electrification race over Tesla and Westinghouse.

Postato : 11/03/2019 10:10 pm
Eminent Member
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

These sorts of things get me to pondering what the world would be like had Edison won the electrification race over Tesla and Westinghouse.

well we wouldn't need most power bricks

Postato : 11/03/2019 10:16 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

These sorts of things get me to pondering what the world would be like had Edison won the electrification race over Tesla and Westinghouse.

well we wouldn't need most power bricks

Not sure about that. We'd have to struggle with DC-DC conversion in order to efficiently transmit the power from generating stations. But I wonder what the mind could have conceived had we been developing DC-DC technology for a century. I can imagine we'd have 99% efficiency as the norm; and better efficiency as an option.

I once built a rotary ION motor based on Tesla's theories. Worked rather well and tore itself apart; I didn't count on the torque being so high the low mass rotor spun up to "too fast" so quickly. That was fun; but I reached to catch it as it was running off the bench... ouch. 20kV hurts, too.

Postato : 11/03/2019 10:25 pm
Eminent Member
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

im assuming however created this topic was talking about these

Postato : 11/03/2019 10:30 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: 220v 200w silicone heater

would there be any benefit in beefing up the fuses

Postato : 11/03/2019 10:30 pm
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