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Software Mods

Hi. I have a Prusa i3 MK2, and it works marvellously. I just figured out that the Prusa i3 MK2 firmware/software is available to download. It got me thinking on the idea of building an enormous 3d printer using a RAMPS 1.4. The problem is, I am not an expert at modifying the code that the printer uses, or any king of code basically. I wanted to see if anyone knew how to do the following: extend the X, Y and Z axes to 1000mm, and change the calibration so that the printer will use a sensor that stops the printhead when it gets close to the bed. The calibration would consist of the printer hitting the X and Y endstops and then lowering the printhead to detect the bed. Hope someone knows if this is possible. I am really looking forward to this project! 😀

Veröffentlicht : 30/09/2017 4:47 am
Mitglied Moderator
Re: Software Mods

If you are using a straight Ramps board then the Prusa firmware will be of little use to you. Prusa have modified the Marlin firmware and stripped out what is not needed for their printer but would be for a Ramps based printer.

Here is the github link for Marlin..

That said, what you want to do is easy. There are a few places in the Marlin firmware that you define your axis sizes and for a z height sensor/bed leveling sensor I have used the BLTouch on my FT-5 and homebuilt machine.

Veröffentlicht : 02/10/2017 5:30 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Software Mods

Didn’t notice this thread before.

Is the port of prusa fw for ramps and ramps class boards like mks gen etc.

Veröffentlicht : 31/12/2017 8:40 pm