Slic3r PE 3.90 features coming along
I just tested the latest master form Github and the time estimator is working nicely. I did two single material prints and it was down to the minute accuracy. I tried a mutli color model and it appears to take that into account as well. It will be a few hours before I know how close that one comes, but it looks promising. The only thing I didn't like was that non intuitively the estimates only come up after you generate the gcode. I wonder if they could do this when the model is rendered so that you can make various changes and determine their impact. That would be fantastic. In any event Nice Job software team! Now if I could just get it to work in windows. In Ubuntu it practically compiles without your knowledge, not so much with other distros or windows from what I can tell. I think the only thing missing in Ubuntu 16.04 was the EXEUtils package which needed to be manually installed.
Re: Slic3r PE 3.90 features coming along
Sounds nice. I wondern when it is going to be released
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- MK2/MK3 hybrid extruder
Re: Slic3r PE 3.90 features coming along
Joseph hinted that it would be soon in a recent post or via one of the webcasts he participated in. They are really pushing the tool hard, and I for one am very happy for that. A couple of other features I tested on one of the development forks had color coding of speed, movement, type of structure, retracts, etc in a color-coded preview similar to other slicers, but lacking in slic3r. This will really close the gap. I think the only major portion missing from the combination of all others is some of the cool experimental features in the latest CURA and manual supports, but the gap is closing quickly. One thing to note is that Slic3r PE does many things better than them already, however, I find myself using more than one depending on the exact model. The price is certainly right 🙂