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Slic3r 1.7.5 prusa edition thoughts  

New Member
Slic3r 1.7.5 prusa edition thoughts

I have recently tested the new 1.7.5 Slic3r build and overall it appears to have added a lot of great features. However I have noticed issues with prints shaking off the bed using the ensure wall thickness option due to the amount of quick short movements this causes. I also noticed the 0.2 normal setting has changed as well in the new build. Is there a list of changes that have been made to all of the pre sets from version 1.7.4 to 1.7.5? So far I find the print quality better on 1.7.5 but with a higher failure rate and 1.7.4 was very "set it and forget" but did not produce as high of quality prints. I was curious what others have thought about this update.

Napsal : 05/12/2016 5:55 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Slic3r 1.7.5 prusa edition thoughts

You could run a diff program on your old and the new settings, these are just textfiles. And I think the installer makes backups from your settings.


My Prints:
My Employer:

Napsal : 05/12/2016 10:54 pm
Vojtěch Bubník
Member Admin
Re: Slic3r 1.7.5 prusa edition thoughts

You can even follow the changes using git

The "ensure vertical wall thickness" feature causes some shaking indeed. One day I plan to replace some of the fills with pieces of perimeter lines, but it will not be tomorrow.

I wonder what causes your print fails.

Napsal : 06/12/2016 7:15 pm
New Member
Re: Slic3r 1.7.5 prusa edition thoughts

Just installed new Slic3r Prusa Edition and already noticed something that makes me think about going back to older one.
Is it impossible to move 3d model on the print bed? Or it's just freak bug in my install?
In older version I could just drag models and place them where I wanted them on the print bed.

Napsal : 07/12/2016 1:45 am
Active Member
Re: Slic3r 1.7.5 prusa edition thoughts

Just installed new Slic3r Prusa Edition and already noticed something that makes me think about going back to older one.
Is it impossible to move 3d model on the print bed? Or it's just freak bug in my install?
In older version I could just drag models and place them where I wanted them on the print bed.

Go to: File -> Preferences and uncheck 'auto-center parts'

Napsal : 07/12/2016 2:24 am
New Member
Re: Slic3r 1.7.5 prusa edition thoughts

Yeah, kinda expected something simple here 🙂 Checked all other settings but forgot there are few more in File tab. Thanks for help 🙂

Napsal : 07/12/2016 11:31 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Slic3r 1.7.5 prusa edition thoughts

You can even follow the changes using git

The "ensure vertical wall thickness" feature causes some shaking indeed. One day I plan to replace some of the fills with pieces of perimeter lines, but it will not be tomorrow.

I wonder what causes your print fails.

Thank you for the git hub link! Curious why so many top and bottom layers were added to the normal setting as they seemed perfectly fine before. My prints failing turns out to be a weird combination of events. The temperature where I live just dropped about 40 degrees F. My home turns out to be pretty drafty, didn't notice this when it was warm. I have my printer on not the sturdiest of tables. This was not a problem before as most slices I used didn't have many short back and forth movements. So a combination of my prints starting to curl from a drafty home and new shaking movements that were not there before has caused organic objects with a small footprint to curl and then shake off the bed. Do you know if any of the accelerations changed off the top of your head? If not I will dig through the git hub page.



Napsal : 09/12/2016 4:02 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Slic3r 1.7.5 prusa edition thoughts

Just installed new Slic3r Prusa Edition and already noticed something that makes me think about going back to older one.
Is it impossible to move 3d model on the print bed? Or it's just freak bug in my install?
In older version I could just drag models and place them where I wanted them on the print bed.

Go to: File -> Preferences and uncheck 'auto-center parts'

Thanks for that, it had been bugging me badly! 😀

Napsal : 10/12/2016 3:46 am
Reputable Member
Re: Slic3r 1.7.5 prusa edition thoughts

I also thought I was having an adhesion issue with the new version even though I had been using it for a while. One day nothing would stick when the day before it was fine.
Turns out as the temps started dropping with winter coming on (I keep it fairly cold in the house) I had to change the bed temps to 65 for first layer and 60 for the rest for PLA and all is good again.

Napsal : 13/12/2016 8:12 pm
Active Member
Re: Slic3r 1.7.5 prusa edition thoughts

I installed the pre build version of Slicer3r 1.7.5.
It still writes as the version number on the title line though.
There is a "ensure vertical shell thickness" feature (shell not wall) but it does not go back and forth to create the effect described here and in other threads.
So is it or 1.7.5?

Napsal : 18/02/2017 6:04 pm
Active Member
Re: Slic3r 1.7.5 prusa edition thoughts

And another question, with this version the preview and layers tabs don't show anything. Anyone else seeing this problem?

Napsal : 18/02/2017 6:09 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Slic3r 1.7.5 prusa edition thoughts

The version number for Slic3r is 1.31.6.

There is a slice now button to enable the preview and layers display, or you can go to preferences and enable background processing (I prefer to keep it disabled).

- Gab

Napsal : 18/02/2017 7:04 pm