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Please first directions for a Mac user  

New Member
Please first directions for a Mac user

Dear friends,
I'm just starting to look into 3D printing, completely ignorant at this stage.

What would be the software, languages, skills needed to start this fascinating new hobby?

Are all of the software also available for Mac OS ?

Thank you very much for directing me to any resource for a beginner.

Happy 2017 to you all

Respondido : 29/12/2016 3:40 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Please first directions for a Mac user

Mac user:

I too am Mac!

If spending a little dough is not a big deal (you got a mac so...). anyway I recommend Simplify3d.
In my experience using a 3D printer for actual work in my job (making fixtures and protos) this SW solved my printing problem.

Great SW, a little expensive, but for me it worked well. This stuff requires a live sever to get your printer profile, so if they ever go away or decide to change the license agent, could be an issue.

There is certainly good open source software, I just have never tried the other open source SW that comes with the printer.

Not sure if you already nabbed a i3 MK2 yet, I cannot recommend a better choice IMHO and experience.
I'm in the US, so shipping is expensive. Given that any likely warranty failure would result in shipping a part anyway AND I wanted to know the machine inside and out, I chose the buy the kit.

I'm a working process engineer and develop process instructions for significant part of my working life each week. The assembly instructions are world class. If you are mechanically minded (sort of a prerequisite for this hobby) and can follow instructions you should be able to get it built. But, for just $200 it comes calibrated and ready to print. Any hesitation, buy the assembled. No live warranty with the kit, just forum support, so the $200 looks like a real bargain.

Now that Mr. Prusa has such a rock solid machine, your biggest challenge is what to print and how to get models.
I have been using CAD for 30+ years, so if I need something I just draw it up.

Folks that do not have such experience or tools available may struggle making a model.

There is little worthy free 3d CAD SW and commercial SW is generally completely $$$ out of bounds for a hobbyist.

Tinkercad (online, no install)

I personnelly find the process amazing, great hobby and great technology.
But be warned, all your free time will evaporate into a million really really cool plastic parts!!! 😉


Respondido : 02/01/2017 4:07 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Please first directions for a Mac user

Thank you very much

Respondido : 02/01/2017 8:56 am