Options to update firmware as a HEX file with avrdude in a Linux OS
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Options to update firmware as a HEX file with avrdude in a Linux OS  

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Options to update firmware as a HEX file with avrdude in a Linux OS


I've only seen threads stating problems using Windows when updating the latest firmware. I use a GNU/Linux system and an Arduino IDE so I decided to open a new thread. What I know (tried):

  • The last firmware update v.2.2.1 from the Drivers web page contains only HEX files.

  • Arduino IDE can only upload Arduino sketches, not their compiled result (HEX files).

  • On the other hand, a Google search showed that HEX files can be uploaded to Arduino boards (and derivatives) using the same tool the Arduino IDE uses (avrdude).

    I figured out most of the options I would need to do it although I'm a newcomer to flashing boards so I need confirmation for some. Assuming that:

    $DEV=/path/to/the/board/to/be/updated (in my case /dev/ttyACM0)
    $HEXFILE=name of the .HEX file with the new firmware

    Then, from the same place where $HEXFILE is, I should execute:
    $ $AVRPATH -C AVRCONFIGPATH -p {build.mcu} -c {upload.protocol} -P $DEVICE -U flash:w:$HEXFILE
    Searching the web and reading the AVRDUDE documentation, I think that {build.mcu} should be either {m2560} or {arduino} whereas {upload.protocol} should be {stk500v2}. Am I right?

    My doubts are:

  • What about updating a RAMBo board instead of a standard Arduino board? The AVRDUDE manual doesn't have the {build.mcu} = rambo option .

  • If the previous question is relevant, how should I modify the previous command to add information about this Arduino variant?
  • Any help, hint or link will be appreciated. Merry Chritsmas anyway.


    Opublikowany : 29/12/2015 1:05 pm
    Antient Member Moderator
    Re: Options to update firmware as a HEX file with avrdude in a Linux OS

    Hi Robert

    The source files are here: https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-i3-Plus

    I think all versions of the Arduino IDE are catered for. Don't forget to read the Readme files!


    P.S. within the Arduino, you will need to get the board manager to "know about" the RAMBo. Add the repository:


    and then install the board via board manager.

    P.P.S. I think doing this via Linux is going to prove more problematic than via Windows...

    Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

    Opublikowany : 29/12/2015 1:10 pm