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OctoPrint Dangers?  

Estimable Member
OctoPrint Dangers?

Started setting up my OcotPrint server and it is pretty awesome! I think everyone needs one of these.

Right now I am only triggering prints from the SD card, but obviously this is pretty limited. For instance, if you want to drop in a gcode file into the SD card from octoprint, it will take a year to upload. Looks like a bandwidth issue going from rambo to reader.

So I want to start printing from the OctoPrint server directly, but I am very apprehensive about this. I guess I am worried something is being bypassed when you print via usb, and whatever safety measures may also be bypassed. For instance, in memory calibration adjustments.. is that respected when printing via usb? Or will the hothead carve a new cannon into my bed?

I just want to be extra sure.

Napsal : 06/01/2017 11:17 pm
Member Moderator
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?

Don't worry too much, printing from OctoPrint is just what it is made for, and what everybody is using !

Sending the file to the SD Card through the COM emulation on USB is really suboptimal (115000 bps is very slow for file transfer of several MB).

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Napsal : 07/01/2017 12:43 am
Reputable Member
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?

If you feed it (or slice) gcode with the proper settings (i.e. proper start scripts) there's no danger in printing via Octoprint or the like. Auto leveling works for USB as well.

Safety measures are implemented via firmware and are not dependent on what you're sending your gcode from.

So, happy printing 🙂

Napsal : 07/01/2017 1:04 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?


I am still learning how it all fits together. I know the gcode is important, and you really need to use a slicer that has the right profile that injects the right gcode into your export.. like to turn the fans on, set the right temp, etc. I just still not sure how calibration variables go into the equation. It doesn't look like there are varibles in the gcode. So I assume there might of been something magic happening on the firmware, which required the SD be used.

Do you folks attempt the on board slicer in octoPrint? Or do you always slice with slic3r prusa edition, and upload your gcode, then print from that?

Napsal : 07/01/2017 5:09 am
Reputable Member
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?

I guess one could say the magic kicks in when the G80 ; mesh bed leveling (see Slic3R Printer Settings > Custom G-code > Start G-code) command gets executed. The rest is handled via firmware.

I don't use the built in slicer at all (after a few initial tests).

The RasPi is the one "computer" with the absolut worst performance or horsepower I own. I can't think of any reason why i should be using this for slicing while I am designing all my stuff on a big machine that runs a slicer without breaking a sweat anyway.

The OctoPrint built in slicer is fine if you can settle on a single or maybe some few profiles to always pick and chose from. I, however, usually slice my stuff many times staring at the layer preview trying different settings before sending it to the printer.

Napsal : 07/01/2017 9:45 am
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?

I guess I'm with you too. I slice my files on a high end system and drop the SD card into the MK2 and let it go. No fuss, no need to babysit it or watch graphs rolling by. Failed prints to date- (printing almost every day since November 14) = 1

Dialing in the printer and good Slic3r profiles go a long way to leaving me to design more stuff instead of toying with something that already works.

Yeah, its that guy... 3D Nexus

Napsal : 07/01/2017 10:22 am
Member Moderator
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?

hi guys,
a few weeks ago i've set up octoprint here with an old raspberryPi (model B, (c)2011.12) that previously spend his time a few years unused in a box, just for monitoring purposes and mainly for providing a webcam stream to watch what's happening at the printbed.
to get the temperature levels, i connected the OctoPi to the MK2 with "auto" settings.
never tried to print (or slice) via octoprint, always print directly from SD at the printer.

but in this configuration printing occasionally just stops in the mid of a print (resulting in a model for the bin).
after disconnecting the usb cable between raspberry and the prusa, everything worked fine again (never got aborted prints anymore).

meanwhile i got an actual raspberry model and set it up as a second OctoPi (to provide a further webcam stream of the endoscope camera mounted near the printers hotend), but i'm now worried to connect its usb port to the MK2.

btw.: comparing the performance of both raspberry's the old model is really slow and the octoprint website sometimes needs very long to react.

anyone here with similar experiences, and/or hints to avoid octoprint to interfere with the prusa when printing directly from SD there ?
will it be safer to monitor temperature thru usb with the newer, faster OctoPi (raspberry PI 3, revison B), assuming that the "interference" between the old OctoPi and the prusa might be related to the performance at it's serial/usb connection ?

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Napsal : 07/01/2017 12:30 pm
Reputable Member
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?

i am using a Raspberry Pi 3 Rev. B, never tried it with any older version.

The one time i had a freeze was without anything plugged into USB printing from SD. It just stopped mid print, menu was still working, and all of a sudden, it started printing again. Never happened again since. I thought perhaps some odd slicer mishap or something but never bothered to look into it further

Napsal : 07/01/2017 1:35 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?

Well I have noticed when you press the connect button the printer does a soft reset. Not sure what would happen if you connect mid SD print. Maybe it resumes?

Napsal : 07/01/2017 3:42 pm
Reputable Member
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?

I haven tried that with the MK2, but my Ultimaker2+ resets and the print is shot.

Napsal : 07/01/2017 4:33 pm
Trusted Member
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?

that is... aehm... a "feature" of the rambo-like boards.

Napsal : 08/01/2017 12:05 pm
Honorable Member
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?

Wow are all pirates offshore so delicate?

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Napsal : 09/01/2017 6:54 am
Estimable Member
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?

You drinking something good there Nigel? Heh

Yeah, its that guy... 3D Nexus

Napsal : 09/01/2017 9:38 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?

... this post just got weird 😕

Napsal : 09/01/2017 10:56 pm
Trusted Member
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?

Btw, the real Octoprint "dangers" are from Octopi (the rb image) and its naive usage, and is all about security. I hope you are all aware that without proper network-level security (VPN, SSH tunnels, ...), maybe you're able to stop a bad print, but someone else could be able to set your house on fire. I mean, the recipe is rather good:
1) OS without automatic updates;
2) various servers (octoprint, webcam streamer, ssh) running happily;
3) security buck passing from octoprint devs... just look the various security discussions... at how reasonable is that octoprint can't control some security aspects yet the first thing they make you download on their website is not octoprint but octopi.

Napsal : 10/01/2017 12:28 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?

Btw, the real Octoprint "dangers" are from Octopi (the rb image) and its naive usage, and is all about security.

Yeah, this has me most concerned. I don't want to ruin my bed.. but hacking into my print server has me freaked out. I have the whole rig on a smart outlet so that I can turn it on and off manually. I only opened HTTPS, and am not port forwarding ssh. I hate when it's on though. That thing has almost no real protection, I don't even think it locks you out after a number of failed attempts. I need to front it with a gateway.

Napsal : 10/01/2017 4:35 am
Member Moderator
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?

I definitely agree on that.

Even https can easily be weak nowadays (check to validate your ssl settings, it's far from being an easy task!) I would even consider a ssh connection with strong key only, disabling interactive logon.

Just do not make the box accessible from outside if you are not 100% sure what you are doing.

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Napsal : 10/01/2017 8:07 pm
Honorable Member
Re: OctoPrint Dangers?

Garr shiver me timbers. All pirates these days spend their time on shore looking for treasure. Instead of at sea, seeking new horizons 😉 An inside joke for us pirates 🙂 Delicate offshore pirates are an oxymoron in my opinion!!!!! Try something out of the ordinary and go for it.

(Clarification...... by pirate, I do not mean a stealer of copyrighted material. Just a seeker of adventure, based on others free treasure out there)

Danger...... Roger the cabin boy said.......

This place can be too serious.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Napsal : 11/01/2017 4:58 am