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Newbie - be nice 🙂  

New Member
Newbie - be nice 🙂

Hello, I am new to 3D printing and new to the site.
Buying the printer and knowing what I want to make/recreate/copy is the easy part.

How do I go about learning to measure the "object" what do I measure it with, ho do I convert it to the code the printer needs and and and

Any suggestions and advise would be welcomed.

Dwayne Seibert
Colorado U.S.A

Postato : 13/10/2015 12:38 am
New Member
Re: Newbie - be nice 🙂

Hey, congratulations for getting yourself into the world of 3D printing!

I'm gonna be short for you here. 🙂

First things after acquiring a 3D printer, go to or to look for a model to print with your 3D printer.

1. Learn how to use 3D modelling software. I prefer Autodesk 123D Design. Easier version would be

2. Acquire the STL file from your software, add the file into Prusa3D Slicer 1.75mm (depends on your printer's version, 1.75mm or 3mm).

3. Using the predefined settings in the dropdown, export to gcode and send it to your printer! I copied the gcode to the included SD card.

4. Selected the gcode file through the LCD. Done!

P.S. It may not go as easy as above (due to calibration and stuffs) but you'll learn 'em eventually. Good luck!

Postato : 16/10/2015 6:28 pm