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Interesting Slic3r anomaly?  

Eminent Member
Interesting Slic3r anomaly?

I was designing an item in Fusion360. It has a 1mm thickness and a 4mm diameter hole through it, using both the hole command and the extrude>cut command (I.e I tried both methods). Selected make 3D print and dumped it to Cura. Everything looks great in Cura. Saved as .stl and imported into Slic3er (because I have it better tuned) latest version. No hole. Save as .obj file and import it, and there is the hole. Not sure if this is Cura (3.03) or Slic3r issue.

Anybody seen similar?

Napsal : 06/11/2017 6:44 pm
Noble Member
Re: Interesting Slic3r anomaly?

There are a number of examples of this behavior found on these web pages, please search for them.

The issue seems too be that Fusion360 does not create clean .stl files. Some programs seem to do the right thing with them and others don't.

I don't use Fusion360, so I have not seen this problem personally, but people on the forum have reported success in fixing the .stl with a third party program like: MeshMixer, or meshlab.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Napsal : 12/11/2017 11:00 pm
Vojtěch Bubník
Member Admin
Re: Interesting Slic3r anomaly?

You may try to fix your model file.

Napsal : 29/11/2017 9:13 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Interesting Slic3r anomaly?

While some anomalies can be fixed with stl repair tools, I believe there are some issues with Slic3r. I am currently using Slic3r ver 1.37.2 and have been trying to print the "Benchy" model. gcode was provided for a two color version along with my printer (MK2S with MM upgrade). The provided model doesn't appear to have any issues, but I wanted to recompile to model to print in ABS with two colors .
As you can see from the picture below, Slic3r does not produce a usable set of gcode. On the front hull, just below the port hole, is a gap of several lines. This gap actually prints, as shown, on the Prusa. Using other slicers/printers I do not get the gap. I also uploaded the file to "Make Printable" and it says there is no problem with the file. The gap does not show in Meshmixer either. There is also evidence on the Thingiverse that over 2000 prints have been done without the error.

Napsal : 30/11/2017 4:02 am
Jim Cook
Trusted Member
Re: Interesting Slic3r anomaly?

I agree Robert that this is interesting. What came to my mind was, "If this exact g-code file was run again in this printer would the same blank line appear?" If it is repeatable then if the you regenerate the g-code and run it in the same printer would the same missing line appear?

Thanks for showing this item.

Napsal : 30/11/2017 12:32 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Interesting Slic3r anomaly?

It is repeatable. The image shown is the "Preview" screen for Slic3r. It shows that the "GAP" is present in the actual gcode. I have run this model twice on my printer and got the gap both times. At first I thought it was a filament feed problem, as I have been having trouble with the MM add-on. The second time I looked a little closer, and that is when I found that it is present in the preview pain. Prior to that i had never really used the preview capability of Slic3r.

So, not oly is the gap present if the "Exact same gcode is run" but also if I re-slice the model for different materials (In this case ABS) and even change the orientation of the model on the bed.

P.S. I will try to post a picture of the printed model later today.

Napsal : 30/11/2017 4:40 pm
Jason Foss
Eminent Member
Re: Interesting Slic3r anomaly?

It is repeatable.

Do you have "detect thin walls" enabled?

Napsal : 30/11/2017 8:07 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Interesting Slic3r anomaly?

I did not, but I went in and checked the block and it did not have any effect.

Robert Holt

Napsal : 30/11/2017 11:11 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Interesting Slic3r anomaly?

Here are a couple of pictures of one of My Benchy's. As you can see it printed very well, except for the gap. The gap is not a Printer or Print problem, it is actually in the Gcode generated from Sic3r

Napsal : 01/12/2017 12:55 am
Reputable Member
Re: Interesting Slic3r anomaly?

I was designing an item in Fusion360. It has a 1mm thickness and a 4mm diameter hole through it, using both the hole command and the extrude>cut command (I.e I tried both methods). Selected make 3D print and dumped it to Cura. Everything looks great in Cura. Saved as .stl and imported into Slic3er (because I have it better tuned) latest version. No hole. Save as .obj file and import it, and there is the hole. Not sure if this is Cura (3.03) or Slic3r issue.

Anybody seen similar?

Why are you sending to Cura then saving as an STL? Why not just save to STL direct from Fusion and see if it is better?
I use Fusion extensively and have not seen this. I can check the Fusion file if you want.

Napsal : 08/12/2017 4:18 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Interesting Slic3r anomaly?

Why are you sending to Cura then saving as an STL? Why not just save to STL direct from Fusion and see if it is better?
I use Fusion extensively and have not seen this. I can check the Fusion file if you want.

That is the option that is given when I select "3D print". I do not see where I can save as .stl anywhere. I can export to a few file types, but not .stl. Where is the "save as .stl" or "export as .stl" option?

Napsal : 09/12/2017 11:25 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Interesting Slic3r anomaly?

Never mind. I see that if I uncheck send to a printer utility that it allows me to save the file.

Napsal : 09/12/2017 11:30 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Interesting Slic3r anomaly?

Never mind. I see that if I uncheck send to a printer utility that it allows me to save the file.

Cool, hopefully that might help. Let me know if I can try to help out.

Napsal : 11/12/2017 1:15 pm