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Heater block Fan  

New Member
Heater block Fan


Could someone tell me what the Heater nozzle block Fan settings should be on the Printer, so that it automatically starts and stops when printing. At the moment I'm when I start a print job from Cura for example, the fan does not come on, I therefore have to go into the Control Menu on the Printer and set the fan speed to 255 for example for it to start working. It stops automatically at the end of the print job.


Respondido : 18/08/2016 1:28 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Heater block Fan

It's based on setting of slicing software - controlled directly from generated gcode. The setting is included in default PLA profile for Slic3r provided by PR, for example.

Respondido : 18/08/2016 1:39 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Heater block Fan

O right, thanks for this. I'm still new to this technology so little bits of knowledge like this are very much appreciated.

Respondido : 18/08/2016 2:59 pm