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Firmware translation  

Active Member
Firmware translation

Hello, my mother language is french so I want to translate the LCD panel text. I'm working on a "language_fr.h" but what after I have done the file (put an instruction elsewhere to load it ?) what to do?
Basically how to add a language to the firmware ?
I can share the file when it's finished if anyone need it 🙂

Prusa i3 MK2S firmware 3.1.0.
FlashAir card.

Veröffentlicht : 06/10/2017 3:09 pm
Reputable Member Prusa-Translations
Re: Firmware translation

Hello, my mother language is french so I want to translate the LCD panel text. I'm working on a "language_fr.h" but what after I have done the file (put an instruction elsewhere to load it ?) what to do?
Basically how to add a language to the firmware ?
I can share the file when it's finished if anyone need it 🙂


my french isn't that good anymore, and i am very interested in your translation.
I am trying to use and other language file as a base to be as close to Marlin as possible.
The only thing you have to think about is that the Prusa i3 MK2/s uses a LCD display with a HD44780 A00 ROM which cannot display special European characters like éèâ or so. It is a pity Prusa didn't go for the HD44780 A02 ROM version with western european ROM.

Whatever, here the things you need to do to get it compiled:

1. Don't use special characters in you language_xx.h file.
German example: 'Open' is in German 'öffnen' but you are also allowed to write it as 'oeffnen'.
So i started in my language_fr.h file to replace 'é,è,..' with an 'e' and so on.

2. Only the language_en.h file needs (length=xx, lines=y) to compile without errors, all other (length=xx, line=y) in language_xx.h files are ignored.
For most MSGs you have to keep the 17-20 char width LCD limit and squeez the translation in, some longer MSGs (length=20, lines>1) aren't a problem.
Some are even limited to (length=14or15, lines=1) because there are values behind.
So if there is a defined limit below or equal to (length=15) you need to squeez your translation in that space.

3. To add your translation you need to edit the '' file
3.a. add/change 'my @langs = ("en","cz","it","es","pl","de");'
3.a.i. Before 3.1.0-RC i could just add a language to this line 'my @langs = ("en","cz","it","es","pl","de","nl");' but it seams that i hit now a limit and the printer didn't response any more that well.
So i have chosen to make 3 different files for different regions containing up to 5 languages.
3.b. I also changed '#define LANG_ID_DEFAULT LANG_ID_CZ' to '#define LANG_ID_DEFAULT LANG_ID_EN'

4. You have to use the perl script '' which generates 'language_all.h' and 'language_all.cpp' files needed.
4.a. the output will give you some results which MSGs were only found in english and being used even your selected language is different.
Some MSGs will not be translated even if you have them in your language_xx.h file, because they HAVE to stay in English and to be found in 'language_common.h'
4.b. You may see some information that the length=xx, lines=yy doesn't fit in the definition.
Here you have to double check your file and if it is a longer text edit that MSG '#defline(length=20, lines=yy)' in the 'language_en.h' to correct the output.

5. As soon you are fine with the results open your Arduino IDE and compile the code.

If there is anyone can help to translate to Portuguese, please let me know.

Hope that helps,

Waldemar aka 3d-gussner

P.s.: As soon you translated it i would like to add it to my github if you are fine with that.

Veröffentlicht : 15/10/2017 9:43 am
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Firmware translation

Thank You, I will try this way and post the result when everything is OK.

Prusa i3 MK2S firmware 3.1.0.
FlashAir card.

Veröffentlicht : 15/10/2017 2:30 pm
Reputable Member Prusa-Translations
Re: Firmware translation


Veröffentlicht : 31/10/2017 1:53 pm
Reputable Member Prusa-Translations
Re: Firmware translation


got finally the new 3.1.0-RC2 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2/S/MMU with Hyperfine Bed Tuning and Filament Runout Sensor tested and released.
Check my github for the latest version.

Still need some help with the French translation, so if you are interested please let me know.

Veröffentlicht : 08/11/2017 9:50 am
Reputable Member Prusa-Translations
Re: Firmware translation


3.1.0 firmware for Prusa i3 MK2/S/MMU with Hyperfine Bed Tuning and Filament Runout Sensor is ready

You can choose between tree hex files depending which languages you want/need to use.

Please let me know if there are any issues.

Waldemar aka 3d-gussner

Veröffentlicht : 15/11/2017 2:24 pm