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Default KISSlicer Settings  

Antient Member Moderator
Default KISSlicer Settings

Hi Guys

I am currently running a Chinese clone printer, using both Cura and KISSlicer Pro. I will be ordering an I3 from this site next week and am just preparing things at my end.

I have 2 presumptions: 1 that the nozzle size as supplied is 0.4mm and 2 that the Z axis is driven by a 5mm rod (ie 0.8mm pitch). My current printer uses a 0.4mm nozzle and had an 8mm Z axis drive (1.2mm pitch); I try to ensure that the Z axis (layer height) is kept to full steps of the motor.

Now I have downloaded the KISSlicer settings from this site and have found (what I consider) some very strange settings, especially in the Style ini file.

There are 4 styles defined - Detail, Fast, Normal and Vase. The extruded width specified in these is 0.55, 0.8, 0.65 and 0.55 respectively. I was led to believe that it is better to keep this parameter fixed at the nozzle width, but I may be very wrong here.

The more concerning settings in the same ini file are the Layer Height and Skin Thickness, where the latter is best set to a multiple of the former (in this slicer, the Skin Thickness, I believe relates to the vertical height of the lower/upper skins).

The default layer heights for the 4 styles are 0.142, 0.4, 0.252 and 0.142 respectively. I have checked with the calculator on this site and the 0.142 is a definite no-no. I believe that only the "Fast" setting of 0.4 would align to a microstep (in this case also a full step), but a layer height the same as the nozzle diameter should also not be used (in this case Cura recommends a maximum layer height of just 62.5% of the nozzle diameter).

I use KISSlicer when I require accuracy and quality, yet with the default settings from this site, it would appear that I would not be getting the best results.

I would really appreciate your advices here.

Many thanks in advance


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Napsal : 14/11/2015 10:44 am