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Arduino and MK2 firmware  

Active Member
Arduino and MK2 firmware

I am new to 3D printing and i am starting to learn about Arduino and programming the firmware as i intend to build a MK2-X version of the MK2. I have been watching some of toms firmware videos and list night i was playing around with PID and when i started arduino it started up and showed a firmware in the system and it matched my MK2 as it had a mini-rambo and the config settings look like they matched what my printer should have. my question is that i have never opened any kind of file with arduino yet and it always comes up with the standard arduino open screen (as Shown Below) but this time it opened with a complete firmware version. i did have my printer hooked up to my computer but i was under the impression that you could not pull the firmware off the machine and read it in arduino.

I tried later to reopen arduino and it opened with the std screen and no file showing. i was using Pronterface to send g commands to the printer to read some of the config info around the same time i opened arduino when it showed the firmware.

any ideas what i did to get the file to show up? forgive the newbie questions as i am just starting to dip my toe into the programming pool.



Napsal : 15/03/2017 1:45 pm